
Vista很慢?别让缓慢的Windows Vista影响了您的效率,让SLOW-PCfighter来帮助您!

如果您还在使用Windows Vista, 并考虑是否要购置新的Windows 7以获得更快的系统运行速度。请记住要想获得最佳的Windows 7系统体验,您还需要在现有Windows Vista的基础上额外的升级您的硬件配置。让SLOW-PCfighter来帮您省下这笔额外的开销。用更少的成本,让SLOW-PCfighter还您一个焕然一新的Windows Vista系统。


Get your Slow Vista scanned now


更快的Windows Vista系统能帮助提高您的工作效率

Have you recently had the need for a fast Vista? Have you shown too much tolerance towards your lazy Vista hoping it would become fast again? Numerous factors can cause your Vista to have poor performance and all Vistas can become weaker and weaker with time. Get Professional assistance with SLOW-PCfighter and make your Vista fast again!

请根据以下提示来获得更快的Windows Vista系统运行速度!


Need a fast Vista? Enhance your Vista and give it more speed and extend it's life time.


使它运行更快速同时延长Windows Vista系统的使用寿命

Scan your Vista now


Advanced technology allow SLOW-PCfighter to analyze a Vista, locate and repair the errors resulting in a faster Vista. SLOW-PCfighter identifies and removes all inactive entries in the Vista registry, e.g. from failing software, installation of drivers, and incomplete un-installations.