
The SPAMfighter Team

Founders and Owners

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Henrik Sørensen

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Martin Thorborg

I have a passion for the net. I have worked with internet companies for 11 years now and founded and co-founded several companies, Jubii (Denmark's largest portal, sold to Lycos Europe in year 2000) being the largest success. Me and my work partner started SPAMfighter in year 2003 and our goal is to save the Internet from spam and at the same time have fun and earn a good living. Read more on my website.

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Daniel Hjortholt

After completing High School in the US, I came back to Denmark not knowing what to do with my life, so I attended a one year education at Copenhagen Business School. Then, during a vacation to visit my family in the US, I got a chance to visit Microsoft and suddenly I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a software entrepreneur. At age 20 I founded a company that specialized in multimedia combining my passion for photography, video and computers. In 1999 I met some crazy people from Jubii, Denmarks biggest internet portal, they were fun and had a lot of fun so for some strange unexplainable reason, I decided to quit my life's work and work there as a web developer. Today I still work with some of these crazy people and together we founded SPAMfighter in my basement back in 2003.

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Martin Dyring-Andersen

I've been working with Internet technologies since 1999 where I developed search engine software at Ankiro (former Adaptive Computer Systems). In 2002 I joined Jubii (now owned by Lycos) working on large scale email systems. Later in 2003 I left Jubii to found SPAMfighter with Martin, Henrik and Daniel.

SPAMfighter Denmark

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Anne-Mette Bertram

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Christian Glud
International Sales Manager
Born in the fantastic year 1967. I have worked with IT for 9 years, primarily in sales. I live with my girlfriend and our 2 children in Østerbro.

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Lars Jespersen

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Michael Hansen
SEM developer
Ever since my first computer (Amstrad CPC 464) back in 1985, I have been interested in software development because of the intellectual challenges it provides. Actually, software development has influenced me all the way through high school, university and professional life, where I have focused on the more technical aspects of software development (eg. programming, distributed computing etc.). Lately I have begun playing with game development - not because I have any plans of programming the next big game - but, again, because of the many intellectual challenges. Sounds like I'm boring, well I'm not. Actually, I do have other interests, large group of friends, girlfriend etc. - but would it be a surprised if they all do more or less the same as me?

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Mie Pedersen
Sales Coordinator
I was born in '78 and I'm an authorized translator of Spanish based on a Masters degree from Copenhagen Business School. Apart from those cold facts, I am a passionate believer in the value of the proper and practical use of foreign languages. Privately, I live with my boyfriend in Lyngby (north of Cph.) and have a big family and many good friends whom I'm very happy to be around.

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Nicolaj Madsen
Affiliate Manager
Born in 1974. I was originally qualified as a shop assistant, which was the world's most boring job. After a few detours as a real estate agent, and in the newspaper business, I ended up at Jubii where I was until I joined SPAMfighter in 2005.

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Richard Christensen

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Troels Hansen
Financial Controller

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Rasmus Vork

SPAMfighter Ukraine

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Dmitry Blinov
Software developer

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Elena Stoliarova
Installation developer

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Yuri Gorobets
Senior Developer

SPAMfighter USA

<strong>Roland Entralgo</strong><br /><em>Sales/Tech Support</em>

Roland Entralgo
Sales/Tech Support

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Brian Ellis
Software Engineer

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Chris Ellis
Software Engineer

SPAMfighter Asia

Meet the SPAMfighter Team

Michaela Kopecek
Thai/English Supporter

<strong>Jia Xu</strong><br /><em>Chinese Support</em>

Jia Xu
Chinese Support