Cardiff Billboard Hacked, Provocative Pictures, Messages Exhibited
Shoppers inside Cardiff saw plentiful the current week when unexpected hackers compromised one e-billboard on top of the busy marketing street followed with broadcasting several images some of which were Nazi swastikas.
Reportedly, hackers compromised the huge electronic screen at Queen Street the main marketing road of Cardiff in the night of August 1 and posted pictures of swastikas as well as messages regarding 'Shariah.' The hackers' clan asserted over social-networking websites that it was some fun they were having.
The Queen Street billboard inside the capital of Welsh started showing Nazi symbol's pictures along with one sign that appeared to warn that the zone was Sharia controlled; therefore, porn, gambling and alcohol were prohibited. posted this, August 2, 2017.
Swastika pictures as well as one message were displayed on the billboard on top of a Superdrug shop inside the main road at the capital's central place, the time being of numerous school children in their summer holidays. Besides the pictures and message, images also appeared about memes along with one poster having the words "Big Brother is watching you."
The 'Politically Incorrect' thread displaying a poster on 4chan website tweeted that a few Anons associated with /pol/ managed hacking one billboard inside Cardiff, Wales.
South Wales Police in the evening of August 1 got several calls from people disturbed about messages getting exhibited onscreen at Queen Street, Cardiff, reported police officers to Wales Today. They stated that they had informed the councilor's office in the city, while were going to investigate any possible offence getting committed.
The billboard's controller BlowUP Media has been asked to give its comments. South Wales Police stated there were many calls coming to them about the incident. Additionally as per a spokesman, the Police intimated the Welsh councilor while decided to probe any crime that may've gotten done.
Cardiff council made an initiative to get in touch with BlowUP Media, the owner and operator of the screen, so that the company switched off the screen during midnight.
It is quite obvious that someone committed a hacking crime alternatively BlowUP Media that owns the billboard has utterly peculiar clients. » SPAMfighter News - 8/9/2017 |
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