Greenville City still working to restore things to normal following a Ransomware Attack
No one is still able to use the city computers in the Greenville following a cyber attack on April 10, 2019. Also, if anyone tries to open the city website, they are still receiving an error message.
Brock Letchworth, the spokesman of Greenville city, says that still the city computers are down, and right now they cannot provide a timeline by when all city computers can be used again. Ransom has been demanded by the hackers, so as to get Greenville city computers back up and running. RobbinHood is the name of this ransom virus. This malicious software works by targeting large networks, and then blocks access until the ransom demand is fulfilled. That ransom demand could be for the entire network or per computer.
PJ Connelly, the Mayor of Greenville, did not disclosed how much ransom has been demanded or if the Greenville city has paid any ransom, since it is under investigation by FBI. Connelly said that essentially each and every computer needs to get restarted from backup.
Letchworth, the city spokesman, said that even after the shutdown, all the public safety systems have been functioning, and so they have no point to believe that any kind of personal information got compromised.
Letchworth added that "technology does not run the city. It makes things easier of course, but the people run the city, and we're just finding different ways to go about doing our job".
The Greenville Mayor said that his email has started working on April 23, 2019. Connelly further added that "I'm very fortunate, so we're getting back and communicating with the public. But you know the city is working very hard. It may be a little more difficult to do business with the city, but you know, we continue to take police reports and everything that's associated with running the business".
Connelly says that the FBI is still investigating, and that the IT staff of Greenville city along with the outside experts continues working to restore things to normal.
» SPAMfighter News - 4/30/2019 |
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