MySpace E-mail-Based Spam Scam Starts With EspionOn October 5, 2006 at 5:35 pm EST, an e-mail was caught in the company's unprotected 'honeypot'. At the same time, Espion's 'Interceptor anti-spam and security device' blocked an identical e-mail. The clogged e-mail appeared like an authentic message from MySpace having the subject as: "New message from Richard on MySpace sent on October 5 15:40:00 -4 2006". Actually a fraud message, it even contained the real address of MySpace, its copyright and privacy information. The top spam scams redirect a user's web request to a fake location. The appearance of many bogus sites is becoming widespread, which is very hard to detect compared to other spam attacks. The scam usually, but not always, involves customers getting e-mail asking them to provide their account details or to click on a link that lead them to a duplicate homepage.Espion's Interceptor anti-spam box was able to catch the 'MySpace Spam Scam' message instantly. Other not-so sophisticated anti-spam solutions have problem capturing it before users become victims. According to Geoff Shively, CEO, Espion International, the MySpace e-mailing is a scam, not a result of a worm although anyone can easily turn it into a full size e-mail worm. Since MySpace sends uncountable 'New message' notifications every day, people will easily fall victims unless the company educates them, fast. Related article: MySpace Wants Apple To Update QuickTime » SPAMfighter News - 10/13/2006 |
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