SPAMfighter Pro 易于安裝﹐和 Outlook﹑Outlook Express﹑Windows Mail 及 Thunderbird
你是否正在尋找方法來阻止圾垃郵件? SPAMfighter反垃圾郵件工具已在227 個國家的數百萬家用電腦和機構用戶的個人電腦和伺服器上安裝使用。
Currently 8,968,667 are using SPAMfighter to block spam and 128 new SPAMfighters were added during the last 24 hours. Each user can block spam mail with simply marking and clicking the spam mail and if a certain number if users do the same it is nicely blocked from the other SPAMfighters in seconds.
Download our spam blocker software for free now! Join millions of users in being protected against spam by the leading spam blocker software developer.
SPAMfighter 標準版是一款針對Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail 和 Mozilla Thunderbird 的免費反垃圾郵件過濾器。它自動﹐有效地阻止垃圾郵件和釣魚欺詐郵件。無論何時收到新郵件,SPAMfighter都會自動對它進行檢查。如果是垃圾郵件,它就會被移到您的垃圾郵件文件夾。
SPAMfighter Exchange Module、SPAMfighter Mail Gateway (電子郵件網關) 和 SPAMfighter Hosted Mail Gateway 是最有效而且容易使用的垃圾郵件過濾工具, 保護公司網路不受垃圾郵件騷擾和釣魚仿冒騙局的欺詐。