SPAMfighter 已经与微软结成战略伙伴,开发市场上最强、最安全和最有效的反垃圾邮件工具。如果您使用Outlook或Outlook Express, Windows Mail 或Thunderbird并且希望摆脱垃圾邮件,那就安装SPAMfighter吧。如果您在家中使用SPAMfighter,它是100%免费的。
Whenever new mail arrives, it will automatically be tested by SPAMfighter. If it is spam, it will be moved to your spam folder. If you receive a spam mail that is not detected, click on the Spam Blocker button, and the spam mail is removed from the rest of the 8,968,667 SPAMfighters in 238 countries/areas in seconds.
8,968,667 users are already using SPAMfighter as spam blocker, and in the last 24 hours 128 new SPAMfighters joined the battle. If a SPAMfighter receives a spam mail that is not detected by SPAMfighter, the user blocks the spam mail with one click, and it's blocked from the rest of the SPAMfighters in seconds.
SPAMfighter 已经与微软结成战略伙伴,开发市场上最强、最安全和最有效的反垃圾邮件工具。如果您使用Outlook或Outlook Express, Windows Mail 或Thunderbird并且希望摆脱垃圾邮件,那就安装SPAMfighter吧。如果您在家中使用SPAMfighter,它是100%免费的。
SPAMfighter Exchange Module、SPAMfighter Mail Gateway和SPAMfighter Hosted Mail Gateway 是保护公司网络不受垃圾邮件和网页仿冒欺诈的最有效和易用的垃圾邮件过滤工具。