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How to Disable the "Browser Choice" update screen

Are you having an annoying "Browser Choice" window popping up when you restart your PC? Do not fear - it is possible to disable the "BrowserChoice" popup with some simple clicks.

SLOW-PCfighter can help you solve this issue FOR FREE !

Yani SLOW-PCfighter geri orijinal hızı bilgisayarınızın hızını yapacaktır . Bu PC'nizin sorunlar çöktü alıyorum çözecek

Maybe you're aware of the Browser Choice screen popping up each time you start your computer. And maybe you can't find a simple way to disable / block this irritating popup; SLOW-PCfighter can help you!

4 simple steps to disable / block "Browser Choice" with SLOW-PCfighter

1. Download and install SLOW-PCfighter for FREE!

4. Press "Save"

3. Disable / Uncheck "Browser Choice"

2. Open SLOW-PCfighter and go to "Startup Manager"

Now "Browser Choice" is disabled and no more annoying pop-ups!

Please note

If you don't set IE (Internet Explorer) as your default web browser; the Browser Choice application does not make any change on your PC.

If you are running on a Windows 7 computer, the Browser application removes the Internet Explorer from its pinned location on the Start menu and in your taskbar

Browserchoice.exe is NOT a spyware or virus, but a Microsoft program

SLOW-PCfighter can help you solve this issue FOR FREE !

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