Some Suggestions to Deter ‘Windows Rot’With the passage of time, computer systems running Windows become slow, inconsistent and unpredictable. When this happens the consumer tends to blame Windows alone. From this well-known and widespread phenomenon of Windows, some industry participants have coined a phrase "Windows rot". The meaning behind this is that since there is no specific cause, Windows starts performing from bad to worse as the PC owner runs it longer and longer. Sun2surf published this on April 9, 2007. With regards to this, computer security experts suggest undertaking certain steps. First there should be no installation of "warez" or pirated software that are available from online newsgroups or file sharing facilities. Though "warez", pirated software and copyrighted music are free to download but they are dangerous because they plague Windows with various spyware, malware and even viruses that can contaminate the computer and bring down its speed significantly. Although pirated software from the Internet exactly resembles what a user buys from the shop, but other applications more certainly allow unscrupulous hackers to install their nefarious codes on a home PC or even a laptop. A computer having a lot of fonts affects Windows startup. As more and more programs are loaded on a system not only does it take time to boot up but its hard disk also keeps thrashing. A large number of typefaces overtax a Windows PC with even 1GB of memory (RAM) while it has to load all of them each time the software program starts. Experts from Symantec for instance discourage regular surfing to look for freebies and attractive deals. Watching porn or visiting gaming sites frequently are not only illegal but also harmful for the system. For, such sites contain notorious supplies of spywares like adware. Visitors to these sites may infect their computers or laptops with such spyware before they realize their systems are running slow. According to John Thompson, CEO of Symantec, the company will take up the challenge to fight off 'Windows rot' by using new and better ideas on security. He added that they had more experience with security than Microsoft does. Computerworld published this, December 2006. Related article: Sun Repairs Java Flaw in its GIF Images » SPAMfighter News - 4/16/2007 |
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