Online Thieves Specialize in Stealing Companies’ Secrets: McAfeeCyber-criminals have been widely executing attacks to capture users' personal information, particularly Social Security Numbers. However, according to a fresh research paper by McAfee, online thieves are now concentrating on corporate data and regarding it as the "latest vogue" on the underground world. SFGate published this in news on March 28, 2011. States McAfee that a few computer attackers are embarking on focused operations towards stealing data out of the computer networks in large organizations. Essentially, contracts are being firmed to seize trade secrets, R&D reports, marketing plans, as well as source codes, the company notes. Explain the security investigators that computer systems along with the data they hold are targets of cyber-crime wherein they are sabotaged, stolen, or destroyed. Also for these acts, the criminals use malware, viruses and denial-of-service assaults that lead to loss of sensitive business details and trade secrets that are held on computers. Furthermore, a computer system is the device for carrying out a crime since with it, criminals can acquire access to data, alternatively modify the same by hacking into the PC. Commonly, the method of such assault involves dispatching an e-mail crafted for performing 'spear phishing' to company staff that has dealings with the firm's financial accounts. Usually, there is a contaminated web-link or file in the e-mail that if an end-user clicks or opens will result in malware download on his PC, giving the attacker unauthorized admission into bank account passwords as well as log-ins. Stated chief technology officer and a vice-president Simon Hunt at McAfee, so far as such personalized assaults were concerned, many organizations tended to think they wouldn't occur to them, while in case they did, the organizations would take action at that time. He added that during 2010, it became evident that the attacks were occurring in numbers greater than what people anticipated. SFGate published this on March 28, 2011. Stated security specialist Fred Rica who's also the principal at PricewaterhouseCoopers that plenty of its customers still indicated clues of security infiltrations into their networks; however, they simply were not aware. SFGate published this on March 28, 2011. Related article: Online Card Fraud Shows Greater Tendency Than Chip and Pin » SPAMfighter News - 4/6/2011 |
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