MSN Subject to Fresh Scamming Tactics, Police Caution

Police cautioned about fresh scamming tactics carried out through the MSN online messaging mechanism wherein it became necessary for those victimized towards deleting their accounts alternatively resetting personal passwords. Taipei Times reported this on August 26, 2011.

Apparently, while executing the attacks, the 'scammers' first committed fraud prior to invading the victim's MSN (instant messaging) account then asked for users who would purchase Internet-games, win scores and subsequently vanish. One more tactic involved directing Internet-users to open the scammers' blogs and when done, a Trojan would get installed that'd seize the victims' account passwords, according to the police.

Moreover, given that MSN user victims rose in number, the 165 hotline center for anti-fraud of the government reiterated to people that incase there was a hack into anyone's instant messaging account, he must contact police right away and complete one authorization form for halting operations through the affected account.

And once the police would substantiate, the person can call the center, which will forward his complaint to Microsoft Taiwan for the problem's cure.

In 24-hrs, the account will be deactivated when Microsoft will provide the computer's (one which has the account's right to entry) IP address to the police in order that the scammers can be tracked down.

Meanwhile, legal director Vincent Shih of Microsoft Taiwan called upon the public to remain extremely cautious while surfing on the Web as well as abide by the principles of not viewing unfamiliar websites, not loading unfamiliar applications, not utilizing identical password in relation to multiple accounts, as also remaining vigilant to any request for payment online. Taipei Times reported this.

Besides, Shih stated that if anyone didn't honestly provide the details asked in the form or failed to reply to the queries regarding his MSN account following its deactivation, that person mightn't manage in restoring his account. Nonetheless, on deactivation of the account, the scammers too wouldn't be capable of accessing it, he contended.

Shih added that Web-surfers who saved their passwords inside their browsers were susceptible to malicious software, which could transmit the same to scammers, concluding that people must reset their passwords often.

Related article: MSN Messenger – A Medium for Worms to spread

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