Scam E-mail from Hitman Frightens OmahanA woman from Omaha (Nebraska, USA) whose name was Megan whined that in August 2013, an e-mail came to her apparently from a hit-man that scared her because she was threatened of murder incase she didn't pay the man a ransom. published this September 10, 2013. Megan stated that the message, which was captioned "You have 48 hours to comply or die," actually held her attention. It stated that someone hired the writer for taking Megan's life; however, she'd be freed once she paid off. It further stated that death was sure if she took help of police. There was no mention of a specific sum for the payment. The writing in the message was poor, yet Megan felt worried. Relatives along with friends ultimately discovered the scam's reports which indicated it dated way back to 2006. Megan, in any case, decided to inform the Department-of-Police in Omaha about the e-mail. She said that after reporting she felt better, still she remained slightly more careful during those 48-hrs. And it gladdened her to know that the e-mail was just an incident, as when it reached her, there wasn't any other person she heard of who got a similar thing. Investigators from the department-of-police explained that the kind of electronic mails did have one basic similarity i.e. they weren't attempts at merely scaring the recipients; however, scared so much that the latter would act immediately. For, suppose somebody was told he was about to be murdered, he'd know he was on a chart of people to be killed. Such scared people would rush to gather the sum, send it over, hoping to remain safe. The officials added that sending out the e-mails cost nothing even if they were in thousands for, getting just a few people to reply positively would earn the scammers well. Thus FBI advised Internauts not to communicate with such an e-mail sender, instead report to officials. Meanwhile, similar to Megan of Omaha, Portsmouth and Hampton (New Hampshire, USA) residents also complained of getting life-threatening electronic mails during August 2013. In just 2 days, 5 reports-or-more were made about the fake, hitman e-mails. ยป SPAMfighter News - 9/14/2013 |
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