Details Leaked Online of Nearly 50 Million Citizens of Turkey

A hacking group leaked online a database, apparently including personal details of almost 50 Million citizens of Turkey that even comprise of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the country. Website of Icelandic group, which specializes in revealing leaks, posted the database containing 49,611,709 documents on Monday.

Hacking activists claim that the uploaded leaked details in 6.6 Gigabytes file contains the initial as well as last names, gender, parent's name, national ID number, date of birth, place of birth, complete address with present city, along with district of those included in database. posted on April 4th, 2016, quoting the Associated Press saying that they are able to validate the genuineness of 8 out of 10 non-public Turkish ID numbers against the leaked names.

In view of the leakage of data on the site, an Icelandic group specializing in leaking sensitive information may be responsible. The hackers used servers which were situated in Romania to host their site and leak the database.

The Turkish government is not the only one facing such serious leakage of personal information by hackers during April 2015, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management revealed that hackers had managed to access information of over 22 million U.S. federal employees, contractors, retirees and their other employees. Millions of sensitive and classified documents lost in this attack.

The hackers in addition revealed the way they entered: "Putting a hardcoded password on the UI hardly does anything for security". However, they did not indicate in what UI.

The final lesson was dual political message, which means one for the US and another one for Turkey. Initially, the hackers told that "Do something about Erdogan! He is destroying your country beyond recognition," and later added that Trump should not be elected by them, as it appears that even Erdogan knows more regarding running and managing a country than Trump does.

The enormous data leak has not been downloaded by Softpedia because of its sensitive nature. In addition, there is a chance that some data might have been recycled too from a previous breach of data that happened in 2009.

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