Adobe Rushes Flash Fix for 0-Day Exploit

Adobe, of late, hurriedly released one Flash update that fixes vulnerability which Infosec researchers spotted, before cautioning users of Windows 10 about a potential exposure of the computer program to the vulnerability spanning a week or more. A ransomware assault is likely abusing a security flaw inside the software under attack, warns Adobe Systems.

The ransomware, which is called Cerber, behaves unusually by talking to the infected end-user. It taunts while attracting the victim's attention to tell that his databases, photos, documents along with other crucial files are blocked from access because they've been encrypted.

Like always, the Flash Player program coming along with Google Chrome, whatever be the platform, from Internet Explorer for Windows 8.1, IE for Windows 10 to Microsoft Edge, would automatically get upgraded via these browsers' update mechanism.

The flaw if properly exploited lets an attacker dispatch malicious content onto the victimized user's Flash plug-in inside the browser running that would not just lead to the collapse of the browser, however let the attacker gain control over the device as well.

Technically, such an exploit is called Remote Code Execution (RCE) as well as called drive-by install or drive-by download because the victim merely requires viewing a booby-trapped web-page for becoming contaminated.

Considering that during the early months of 2016, Locky ransomware happened to be the second greatest running infection from a ransomware and that Exploit Kit 'Magnitude' enjoys 10% market share amidst cyber criminals, it maybe sensible for updating immediately.

Moreover, updating should be fast because Proofpoint too states that CVE-2016-1019 security bug too had been included in the Nuclear Exploit Kit having 8% market share, although hasn't been abused as yet. posted this online dated April 8, 2016.

Users can now download Flash updates suitable for Linux, Mac and Windows computers. The versions available are to suit Linux and to suit Mac and Windows.

People installing Adobe Flash Player using IE (for Windows 10), Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome will get the latest edition for update automatically. Apparently, those efforts for abusing memory corruption security flaws more difficult are becoming feasible.

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