Mother Caught Paedophile By Using Spyware- But Might Have Broken The LawAccording to the news published by Technology.timesonline on June 1, 2007, an American Paedophile was tantalizing a 15-yr old boy and was caught by his mother by putting a key logging spyware on her son's PC to know what he is doing online. But an Internet expert warned the parents against following her footstep, as it could land them in an illegal position. Jason Bower, a resident of 26, Hudson Fall, New York was arrested for the charges of sending obscene messages to the boy and engaging in sexual act through a web cam. He was arrested in England in last November when he was boarding a plane en route to meet the teenager and he accepted his crime in court on Wednesday. According to news published by the register on June 1, 2007, Bower will face imprisonment for 5 years and his hearing is scheduled in November. Tom Spina, the Attorney of US, said that Bower's crimes were brought by the victim's mother when she planted key logging spyware on her son's computer to know what he is doing online. Immediately, she reported to the local police who in turn alerted Custom Investigators and US Immigration. Senior Technological Internet Security Firm Sophos, Graham Cluley, said that normally it has always been like this that hackers keep a watch on systems to commit a crime, but in this case it has stopped one crime from taking place, which is outstanding. The best method to deal with this problem is that the computers should be kept in front of everybody's eye - like in dining room. Mr. Cluley claims that many internet vendors offer spy ware to the parents so that they can keep a record of their children's online activities but they normally have a outlet which says that it is not to be used by criminals or jealous boyfriend. But whether parents should be allowed to use this system to gain access to other's computer is matter of legal concern and should deal wisely. According to the news published in Technology.timesonline on June 1, 2007, Mr. Cluley said that usually when the kids are under age, they don't get permission to use Internet; then the parents should carefully guard their children. He continues saying that, people should act cautiously regarding the use of spyware which allows the access to other's system, and which can finally lead to an offense to be punished. » SPAMfighter News - 6/15/2007 |
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