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Contract Killer Spam Scam

A new type of email scam threatens the local people that they'll have to pay several dollars if they want to stay alive, as the sender of the mail has hired an assassin to kill those who refuse to pay money. The recipients of this mail immediately informed the Columbus Police.

As per the Wrbl on July 6, 2007, Sergeant Karin Gaskins with the financial crimes division suggests the users not to open the mail, as it will inform the scam artist that their email is genuine and it can increase the intimidation. Also, since the Internet is always open, the spammers will analyze that email address with some specific tools and fetch more personal data viz. spouses name, address, children's name, etc.

The email addresses one needs to be cautious about include contract_assignment001@yahoo.com, and contract_undertake@yahoo.com. Gaskins suggests that as soon as one gets the mail, the Columbus Police should be informed and a complaint should be lodged with the FBI.

If a user doesn't use PC or Internet, still they will be targeted as a victim of computer crimes like identity theft. The motive behind these emails is to acquire some money from the recipients or at least the details of their bank account.

Further, the innocent people are easily scared by these kinds of mails, but those who are aware are at even greater risk. Although, it can be considered as deprived of strength to receive these kinds of threats, however the sole way to curb the circulation of the mails is for the users to not reply to them.

Although, the extortion scam is a less subtle variation of some other email scams, but it is made to cheat the users into leaking personal data or providing money. The latest extortion mails are quite different in style as well as in content and usually contain broken English and misspellings. Nevertheless, the message is still the same - offer money or risk your life.

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» SPAMfighter News - 7/23/2007

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