Online Gamers Warned to be Wary of Fake Beta Sign-up E-mails

Customers of EA (Electronic Arts), California, a leading global interactive entertainment software company, are being warned of some fake e-mails making rounds over the Internet, hunting for users to sign up and register for Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta, an upcoming game.

Online scammers have very cleverly designed these phony e-mails to entice users to respond to them. According to security experts, in computer language, these fake e-mails sent in bulk are termed as a phishing attack; moreover, even the URL to which the e-mail points is suspicious.

In order to use the stolen passwords and other details to fulfill their malicious intentions, cyber criminals use such shady URL to imitate the website of an organization or a firm with which the victim of the phishing attack is associated, or say has an existing relationship.

On the other hand, Gordon Van Dyke, producer of the forthcoming game Battlefield informed and warned gamers that no legitimate Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta exists at present. Users must exercise caution on hoax websites that perpetrate to own a sign-up for the game, as reported by koTaku on November 1, 2009.

Furthermore, officials also suggest users to rely only on the company's legitimate Twitter page for authentic information pertaining to the game.

Meanwhile, it is learnt that malware developers are now-a-days aggressively aiming at online gamers. Experts also told that these folks specifically develop trojans to benefit from regular transfer of virtual goods and cash taking place in online games. They plunder passwords and gather log-in details.

Generally, scammers look forward for billing and credit card information for online game accounts, along with the virtual loot, so that these details could be auctioned for huge sum of money.

So, to conclude, experts informed users that the online gamers are sure to face most common types of foul play. To name a few, these include specifically developed malware to exploit online games, social engineering frauds to obtain log-in and account information, and exploiting flaws in game browsers and servers.

Related article: Online Card Fraud Shows Greater Tendency Than Chip and Pin

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