Telstra Alerts About Bigpond Phishing E-MailBigPond the retail Internet wing of Telstra, the telecommunications provider in Australia has sent out an alert, urging users to watch out for a hoax e-mail currently being circulated on the Net. Says BigPond, the e-mail is among the numerous dispatched every year from the addresses of misleading parties. Telstra, on August 26, 2010, sent out a common warning after it received reports about a phishing e-mail that posed as a message from BigPond. Said Officer of Internet Trust and Safety, Darren Kane at Telstra, the telecom and BigPond wouldn't ever dispatch an e-mail asking users to follow any given web-link for verifying account details, providing credit card information, passwords alternatively any other personal information. ITECHREPORT published this on August 26, 2010. Kane added that users must only give out the above kind of information if its request was expected alternatively if users themselves initiated one. Meanwhile, Telstra created a web-page that stated that consumers could notify about fraud e-mails, which merely seemed as messages from the teleco or BigPond. Says Telstra, while it mayn't be convincing, but the company determined from its research that hoax e-mails declined during 2009. Nonetheless, the volume of fake electronic mails spoofing corporations like insurance or telecommunication organizations has been rising. Meanwhile, it isn't new for Telstra to alert its clients about scam e-mails. Recently during July 2010 too, cyber-criminals targeted Telstra with certain phishing scam. In that Telstra seemed to state that it couldn't treat one particular payment therefore the recipient needed to update billing details via following a web-link otherwise the company's service to him would be disrupted. In reality, Telstra did not send that scam e-mail and the claim that an anomaly existed in certain payment wasn't true as well. Nonetheless, the online scammers crafted the message to phish financial and other personal information off Telstra's accountholders. Conclusively, phishing represents an extremely ordinary kind of scam which strikes against a large number of organizations worldwide. Thus users seeking to keep themselves safe from getting preyed with any phishing fraud must ensure that they don't divulge their private details to any unknown party. Related article: Twilight Movie Online Scam Spreads Malware » SPAMfighter News - 8/31/2010 |
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