BCR Warns of Phishing E-MailBCR i.e. Banco de Costa Rica (name of bank), is advising its clients to watch out for a fraudulent phishing e-mail, which's presently circulating online, while attempting at conning unwitting netizens. Insidecostarica.com published this in news on July 1, 2011. Apparently arriving from the domain name 'Banco de Costa Rica' (info@bancobcr.com), the phishing message tells the recipient that BCR recently noticed certain irregular activity being carried out on his account, therefore to maintain the account's security, he must immediately get in touch with the bank. Moreover, the spoofed electronic mail beneath its text tells the user that he must get in touch with the bank within 12 hours else he will find his account deactivated. Besides, there's also a web-link embedded on the message for gaining admission into the bank's website claimed to be secured. But when anyone clicks on it he gets redirected onto merely a copycat site of the bank where the scammer harvests that user's login details. Stating in defense of being distanced from the scam, officers at the bank said that the current scammers hadn't targeted BCR as the sole institution of finance. Insidecostarica.com reported this. In addition the officers stated that the e-mail was wholly a fake and that BCR never sent the kind of electronic mails to its accountholders. Remarking about the scam, bank authorities as well as specialists on Internet safety said that users mustn't follow the web-link given inside the e-mail as also never under any situation give their private details via the media. Furthermore, clients are recommended that they should instantly notify the bank about the phishing scam. However, if anyone isn't sure about the way for contacting BCR, he should go to the financial institution's Internet site and note the exact details for doing so. There maybe an exclusive e-mail id for registering such exploitation. Conclusively, it's because of the above kinds of phishing scams which prompted Symantec the security company for highlighting within their "State of Spam & phishing Report" for June 2011 that there was a 6.67% rise in the general incidences of phishing attacks during April-May 2011. Related article: Bigger Threat Posed by Banking Trojans » SPAMfighter News - 7/8/2011 |
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