Phishing E-mail Scam Hits UTSASpecialists from Avast warn students and employees at UTSA (University of Texas at San Antonio) of Texas, USA towards being careful with one cunningly-crafted phishing e-mail campaign that's currently circulating online, published dated April 5, 2013. Bearing a caption "Your e-mail will expire soon," the scam electronic mail seems to show its sender's address as one genuine UTSA e-mail id namely The message, addressing the recipient informs that his e-mail is about to become obsolete. Therefore, for continuing the account, he should follow a given web-link wherein to make his e-mail up-to-date. Avast notes that the cunningly crafted spoofed e-mail contains the university's moniker accompanied with the necessary Copyright © sign. Unusually, the phishing e-mail in question contains nil misspelling while its grammar is also correct although punctuation errors are visible, Avast adds. In any case, the e-mails bear no real connection with the University of Texas. Rather if anyone follows their web-link they'll get led onto a phishing site which digs at personal information. Analysts studying the currently going phishing assault observe that one of the extremely successful scams is phishing. Indeed, there's an increase in total phishing events lately as the scam continues to run. But, state the analysts, some simple measures can help eschew getting victimized with phishing campaigns. First, users mustn't click web-links within unsolicited e-mails that could otherwise lead onto a malevolent site designed for phishing. Second, despite an e-mail looking as sent from an authentic place, one must type in the web-address inside his web-browser instead of striking on the web-link. Third, incase a user does go to a website, he should verify if its address matches with the site which he believes he's visiting. Continuing further, the analysts state that electronic mails coming from genuine UTSA addresses won't actually direct to give confidential private details, therefore when an e-mail requests to provide such details, people must know it's a scam. Besides, in a similar phishing scam targeting universities recently, one phishing e-mail captioned "Email Box Security Alert" attacked pupils, faculty and other employees belonging to USA's Purdue University, during the 3rd-week of February 2013. Related article: Phishing Attacks, Growing in Sophistication » SPAMfighter News - 4/16/2013 |
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