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April 2007
SPAMfighter News 2007/4/30
Nationwide Improves Anti-Phishing Techniques
Nationwide Building Society was facing intermittent attacks by phishers so it decided to improve its anti-phishing measures to be able to shut down
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Conference Holds Competition to Hack MacBook
Macaulay, an engineer of software successfully exploited a zero-day flaw in Apple's browser Safari to hack into a Mac OS X. The computer system was a part
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/30
U.S. House Passes Anti-Spyware Legislation
Consumers regularly report to about them becoming victims of spyware. spyware
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Microsoft’s Sender ID Helps Authenticate E-Mails
Microsoft agrees that of messages going out to Hotmail addresses 98% is spam. After conducting a research Microsoft determined that e-mails between 40-98%
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Spammers’ Latest is the Hijacked Newsletter Spam, Says Commtouch
Commtouch has released statistics detailing the most prevalent spam trends during the first three months of 2007. Spam via hijacked newsletter is the most
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/30
Online Crime And Identity Theft Surpass Drug Racket
A committee at the Authentication and Online Trust Summit concluded that Intellect, dedicated people and a conducive atmosphere were the finest instruments
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/30
Hackers Exploit Virginia Tech Massacre!
Even before, people had started recovering from the terrible Virginia Tech massacre; ...
SPAMfighter News 2007/4/27
UCSF Server Holding Personal Information Encounters Hack
Hackers have apparently stolen addresses and Social Security numbers of more than 3,000 people from a computer server located in an off-campus office
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Rootkits Grow In Remarkable Complexity
Rootkit complexity is growing at remarkable levels enabling malicious software to go deep and wide and also remain undetected while holding on to Microsoft
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People Need To Get Wiser about Identity Theft
Early in April this year, 62-year old Marion Kminek of Cape Coral succumbed to identity theft. The credit card company of whose services she availed
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Mac Flaw Exploited to Hack Computer at Vancouver Conference
Software engineer Shane Macaulay, with intimation from his pal Dino Di Zovie, who's a security researcher discovered a security hole inside Safari - Mac
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ISPA Publishes Recommendations to Beat Spam
UK's leading Internet commerce association, The Internet Services Providers' Association has released a set of new recommendations for ISPs relating to
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/27
Phishers Turn Heat On Australian Taxpayers
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has released a caveat against the phishing e-mails
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CEFCU Customers Face Phishing Scam Heat
It has been revealed by HOI 19 News that a scammer is attempting to deceive CEFCU (Caltech Employees Federal Credit Union) clients into relinquishing their
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/26
UK The Next Hub Of Id Frauds
Britain's capital London is the hub of the growing ID theft market, as notified by a recent report. UK has witnessed proliferating cybercrime, and according
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/26
A New Adware Functions As an ActiveX Control
PandaLabs has detected a new adware called ImageAccessActiveXObject that behaves like an ActiveX control enabling users to watch porn pictures.
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Criminals Getting Better At Hiding Malware
Cyber criminals who manipulate websites to hack into computers are getting more sophisticated at concealing their malicious software, according to a
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/26
Hackers Break-into U.S. Government Network through E-Mail
Hackers captured data from the network of the U.S. State Department after a staff member in Asia clicked open an e-mail that enabled the hacking. The hack
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/26
Hacker Declared Accessing Credit Card Database of Steam Customers
A hacker declared he got hold of a large amount of confidential data by accessing systems of a software company, Valve. It also captured credit card details
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/26
Phishers Capitalize On Human Tragedies
Security investigators are cautioning individuals against cyber-terrorists, malware authors, and
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/25
Sentence for American Contractor for Sabotaging Government Navy Computers
A contractor in U.S. holding security clearance of the highest order has been proved guilty of break down of U.S. Navy computers of great importance that
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/25
Annoyance Of Keyloggers Goes On
One of the most disturbing things happening to Internet users is someone sneaking into their online activities and following their each and every keystroke.
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Phishers Expand Their Sphere of Attacks
Phishing attacks targeting banks reached the highest level in March this year, according to fresh statistics from RSA Security, the security unit of
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Man Detained For Breaking into Cal-ISO Computer
U.S. government, on April 18, 2007, arrested a contract worker on charges of meddling with computers located at the main office of the institution that
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/25
Malicious JavaScript Strikes Getting Smarter
Manipulating JavaScript is becoming more intelligent. They can easily scan unsuspecting users' browsers, endangered sections and user-friendly CLSIDs, and
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/25
Bankers Find Phishing To Be Scam No. 1
Computer users are still being victimized by the "outdated" methods of data thievery, and safeguarding account details is the major worry for U.S.
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Orange Network Runs Into Rough Weather After Hacking
As Orange investigated the matter, the network was temporarily inactivated during the weekend. After that the network has supplied fresh store codes and
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/24
Hackers Exploit Microsoft’s PowerPoint To Target Companies
Malicious software writers have made Microsoft's PowerPoint their most preferred medium for contaminating corporate computer systems.
SPAMfighter News 2007/4/24
Florida’s ‘CyberCrime Awareness Week’ Promotes Activities for Cyber Safety
Attorney General Bill McCollum announced on April 17, 2007 the "CyberCrime Awareness Week". The Governor and Florida Cabinet named the third week
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Data Theft Incidents Influence Consumers Adversely
Consumers are beginning to think negatively about banks and other financial institutions being influenced by incidents of data and information theft,
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/24
Aggressive Phishing Hits Online Banking
Matt Egan, a blogger, gets harmless spam quite regularly. His mother frequently sends chain emails alerting him against the "current menace from
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/24
‘Child Predator’ Harasses School Girls
A civil engineer from North Carolina faces accusation for intruding into the Web site of Brevard County Girls High School and using the girls' web pages to
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/23
Spams To Outnumber Genuine Emails In 2007
The year 2007 will likely to be remembered as a year when junk e-mails outnumbered
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Storm Trojan Makes a Fresh Outbreak
An outbreak of spam messages has occurred on a massive scale with a new Trojan horse virus wrapped in their attachments. The threat started circulating
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Worm Inflicts Skype And Spreads Infection
A latest Skype worm on the Internet projects a picture of a woman wearing scanty clothes and stilettos. Both F-Secure and Sophos have identified the worm
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Phishing Attack Targets Indiana University Students
A highly focused phishing attack in 2006 that extorted personal and financial information
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IT Expert Demonstrates Hackers’ Techniques
A seminar was held by the Institution of Internal Auditors Qatar Chapter on IT security and computer hacking under the title 'Watch the Hacker in Action'.
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Identity Snatchers On The Prowl
Hank and Roma Gerbus got a strange telephone call in February. In 2006, the Cincinnati pair had the hard disk of their PC changed at a neighborhood Best Buy
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AIT Charges Fayetteville Observer Of Click Fraud
AIT, the popular Web Hosting Company that is abode to more than 210,000 sites in November 2005, charged the newspaper Fayetteville Observer of click fraud,
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/21
IRS Cautions Taxpayers About Counterfeit E-Mails
An e-mail saying that the recipient is entitled to a 'refund' is a bit unexpected, however if received would be more than welcome. At the same time
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/21
Another School Student Faces Hacking Charges
A student of Mauldin High School admitted before the police that he had hacked personal data from a computer network in the Greenville County school
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Storm Worm Returns with Follow-Up Attack
In early 2007 Techspot spoke regarding Storm Worm's attack. There were speculations that the attack in the beginning was only to test the worm's capability
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Microsoft Discusses Vulnerability in its Server Products
After Microsoft's disclosure of vulnerability in quite a number of its server programs, attackers are exploiting it to run illegal program on compromised
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Hacker Accesses Identification Data from OSU
A hacker managed to access a computer of Ohio State University (OSU) two weekends ago to commit theft of data containing birth dates, Social Security
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Online Scams Plague Manitowoc’s First National Bank
Though April Fools' Day tricks targeted at buddies and family can be easily condoned, but each year multitude of persons finds out the difficult way that
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/21
Companies May Be Forced To Pay Twice For Cyber Crimes
According to analysts, if preventive measures aren't taken soon, then companies and conglomerates might have to cope with lawsuits from clients,
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/20
A Certain Proof-of-Concept Program Can Exploit Vista DRM
A researcher working on Internet security has issued a proof-of-concept code, which hackers could employ to manipulate Windows Vista DRM (Digital Rights
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/20
Singapore Government Approves Anti-Spam Bill
Singapore's parliament passed a spam control law on Thursday April 12, 2007 with the aim to curb e-mail and mobile phone spams. The government thinks this
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/20
Hackers Exploit Microsoft Flaw to Spam Porn Image of Celebrity
IT security firm Sophos is encouraging computer users to patch a critical flaw in Microsoft Windows that handles ANI files or animated cursors as hackers
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Gaobot and Sdbot Widely Offer Their Codes for Bots
A bulk of bot related detections can be associated to the twin botnet families, according to a recent research. The Gaobot and Sdbot families of botnets
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Microsoft’s Windows Flaw Allows Execution Of Arbitrary Code
According to scientists, another flaw in Microsoft Windows Help (HLP) files has been exposed, corresponding to the April 10's weekly Patch Tuesday handout.
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Microsoft Admits To Hacks’ Presence In Vista OEM
Reacting to general chat on forums and blogs, Microsoft admitted the existence of loopholes that might enable scammers to outwit the security measures of
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/19
Sophos’ List Of Twelve Spam Relaying Countries Is Out
The IT security and control firm Sophos, has issued its most recent document on the dozen leading spam spreading nations in the Q1 (first quarter) of 2007,
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/19
New Cimuz.EL Trojan Makes an Outbreak
A malicious code named Cimuz.EL has been circulating on the Internet for the last few days accounting for 57% of malware, reports PandaLabs. Financialmirror
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Businesses Refrain from Reporting IT Crime
One-third IT security departments of business enterprises remain quiet about cyber crimes and security violations on corporate computers, as per new
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/19
Identity Fraud Hikes 70% in July-December 2006
In the latter half of 2006, the number of identity fraud victims went up 70% compared to the same months in 2005, show new figures. Experian, a credit
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/19
Microsoft’s Office 2007 Hit By Additional Bugs
Even as Microsoft Corp. released a patch to fix a bug that was plaguing Word 2000 and 2002 for the last two-months on April 10, 2007, three additional flaws
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/19
Financial Institutions’ Anti-Phishing Technology Inadequate
Security professionals have been constantly cautioning about some anti-cyber-fraud systems installed by several key financial institutions that might be
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/18
Student Hacks Into High School Computer Servers
A student of Daphne High School faces serious charges of criminal nature after authorities complained that he broke into a school computer system that
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/18
Poll Respondents Give Different Opinions Regarding McKinnon
In an opinion poll, a large number of IT professionals said that Gary McKinnon of U.K. should be deported to a prison in the U.S. if he is convicted of his
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New Updated Keys For HD DVDs
The group working on security measures to protect next-generation DVDs claimed on April 9, 2007 that it had set right a security hole that enabled hackers
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/18
McAfee Report Indicates Proliferation Of Cyber-Crimes
The most recent research paper presented by the Avert Labs of McAfee creates an alarming image for IT officials and clients of organizations, forecasting
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/18
Law Revamps Web Security After Denial Of Service Attack
The cyber security of MacRoberts, a Scottish law firm has been upgraded after enduring a denial of service (DDoS) attack.
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FTC Launches War Against Spyware Distributors
Outrageous penalties are fine, but perhaps the greatest deterrent against spyware dealers is
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/18
Another Virus Spreads Through MSN
Attackers are infiltrating a computer worm via MSN Messenger affecting large number of PCs across China. Experts have cautioned users to be wary of any
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/17
Unexpectedly Daring Phishing Scam Strikes is one of the companies that could easily vie with eBay for the designation of "King of Internet Sales". Therefore it is certain that
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/17
Exploiting Cursor Flaw Could Allow Theft of WoW Accounts
Hackers have invented a new method to attack online players of World of Warcraft MMORPG, a popular online game of Blizzard. The method involves exploiting
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/17
Spam Circulates With Fake Video of U.S.-Iran Strikes
A spam ran over the weekend that sent out file attachments depicting video shots of a fake missile attack by the U.S. on Iran. If recipients opened the
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/17
Phishing Becomes New And Sophisticated
Scammers are using more sophisticated methods to design their phishing attacks. They
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/17
Phishing Scam Takes Up BB&T Disguise
Scam e-mail is being sent to people in Southwest Virginia posing as a Bank Banking and Trust (BB&T) Company USA, message. The scam arrives in the inbox
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Microsoft Patches Five Critical Flaws
After hurriedly releasing a backup patch for the Windows ANI flaws in mid- April, Microsoft patched six more defects (five vital ones), as per its Patch
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/16
'Zero Day' Virus Cripples Windows Operated PCs Worldwide
Last week, a newfound, malware has contaminated infinite Windows operated PCs worldwide, including
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/16
Spyware Use Detection-Resistant Technology To Attack Computers
Malwares equipped with stealth technology are creating a stir in South Korea. Spyware with such detection-resistant technology, called rootkits, have spread
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/16
Some Suggestions to Deter ‘Windows Rot’
With the passage of time, computer systems running Windows become slow, inconsistent and unpredictable. When this happens the consumer tends to blame
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/16
Survey Finds 96% Zombie PCs in Malaysia
Malaysia distributes one of the maximum spams and propagates most 'spam zombies' in Asia-Pacific, according to a recent survey. Techcentral published this
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Serious Firebug Vulnerability Affects Firefox
Mozilla's Firefox browser has been found with another vulnerability that can enable an attacker to compromise a computer running the browser. An extremely
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/16
Microsoft Releases Security Updates MS07-017 and MS07-008
Microsoft's Security Bulletin MS07-017 addresses seven vulnerabilities lying within GDI (Graphical Device Interface) that could let attackers execute remote
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Malware Writers Unite To Attack Via Motley Of Crimewares
While the main victims of malware authors trying to profit through their efforts are the bigger financial organizations centered in Europe or Asia, it's
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/13
UCSF Security Breach, Another University Hack in Recent Years
A likely security breach of a computer system at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) possibly compromised private information records of
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/13
San Francisco’s Federal Appeals Court Sentences Hacker
San Francisco's federal appealed court on April 5, 2007 defended a cyber-terrorist's judgment of conviction for intruding on and afflicting the ADP system
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Phishers Spoofed DNCU Website And Sent Fraudulent E-Mail
A phishing scam victimized many PC users in Los Alamos this week. They received e-mails
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Online Gamers On The Hit List Of Hackers
As per Australian computer security authorities, online players will bear the main brunt of cyber-terrorists this year. Participants of console and online
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Hackers Rig ASUS Web Site
ASUStek Computer did not have too good a Good Friday. Hackers rigged the most important Web site of the hardware maker from Taiwan to install malicious
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Anti-Phishing Crusader Wages War Against Scammers
The sole aim of Ben Jackson is to prevent individuals from creating phishing sites --
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Adware Accounts For Highest Spyware in March
Adware caused the maximum damage among all spyware in March. It generates substantial monetary gains for its developers. Companies pay to their adware
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Websites For Spyware Subscription And Malware Support
An unnamed Web site recently found introduction similar to the launch of an e-commerce site. The site has a crude home page yet it is fairly functional. The
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/12
ISP Association Issues Recommendations On Spam
Recently, the Internet Service Providers' Association (ISPA UK) issued new proposals for managing unsolicited bulk email (UBE), generally known as
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/12
First Major Vulnerability of Web 2.0 Apps Documented
Fortify Software's Security Research Group, has acknowledged the foremost flaw related exclusively with Web 2.0 and AJAX-type packages.
SPAMfighter News 2007/4/12
ESET Estimates Top March Threats
The top threats for March 2007 covered keylogging software, botnet installation and other dangerous malware, revealed ESET. The agency's ThreatSence.Net
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BitDefender Releases March Malware List
BitDefender released its March malware chart on April 3, 2007. Trojan.Peed.Gen was on top of the
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Banks Urge Customers To Protect Their Account Information
Some major banks, last week, found thousands of rands quietly transferred from the accounts of their customers. Int published this on April 4, 2007. A
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/12
Attacks On IM And Chinese Malware On The Rise
There is a 7% increase in malicious software on Instant Messaging or IM networks every quarter. Also, hackers scrutinize IM networks specific to industry.
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/11
U.S. Businesses Lose $712 Per Worker Due to Spam
U.S. businesses are incurring losses of $712 per employee each year due to spam assaults, according to a study report by Nucleus Research. The company
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Spike in Attacks Causes Early Release of Windows Patch
On 2 April 2007 Microsoft said that it was planning to release a patch for Windows flaw, which scammers had already exploited for an attack, in the first
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Spammers Continue their Campaigns Successfully
SoftScan, on April 4, 2007, announced a marginal drop in spam levels from a voluminous level of 90.3% in March 2007 to still an alarming level of 89.90% of
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Organizations Suffer Business Disruption Due to Malware
A study found that almost half of companies suffer break down in their business activities after a ...
SPAMfighter News 2007/4/11
Ireland Sees Record Increase In Spam Rate
Irish inboxes were inundated with spam emails in March 2007, the rate is considered to be highest ever as per the latest statistics released by IE Internet
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British Court Rejects A Hacker’s Plea Against Extradition
A British computer hacker, facing Washington's accusation of committing the most severe military hack till date, lost his plea on April 3, 2007 against his
...SPAMfighter News 2007/4/10
Two Hackers Plan to Disclose MySpace Vulnerabilities
Two hackers have initiated a campaign to highlight MySpace vulnerabilities. This campaign hopes to make a greater splash than the January month of Apple
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The Web Has An Evil Side Too
The scuffle against Trojan horses or computer viruses seems to be impossible to win, since criminals and spying agencies are spreading their assaults, warn