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October 2010
SPAMfighter News 2010/10/30
Qakbot Trojan Propagating Like a Worm, Infecting as a Trojan
According to the RSA Online Fraud Report published on 25 October, 2010, Qakbot a unique kind of ...
SPAMfighter News 2010/10/30
File-sharing and Webmail Usage More Dangerous than Facebook Surfing: Palo Alto
In its 6th Annual Application Usage and Risk Report, Palo Alto Networks the security company produces data from about 700 customers for its
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/30
Top Retailers Sending Spam to Consumers
As per a study by Spam Ratings a spam research company, when 100 reputed UK brands sent e-mails during the last 6-months they included household names such
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/30
Mac Operators Alerted to Increasing Virus Threat
According to Panda Security, since the market share for Mac is relatively small, the company's products have been outside the preferred targets of people
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/29
Tax Spam Disseminating Zeus
Researchers from 'Solera Networks' a security company warn that a tax spam is circulating across the Internet for disseminating the notorious Trojan named
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/29
Sanitizing Zombie Machines Large, But Not Enough
Software giant Microsoft lately disclosed that hacker software could now be removed with the help of its mechanism for software security from over 2m
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/29
Phishing Scam Involving Licenses Unearthed
One rapidly spreading phishing e-mail campaign involving licenses and apparently sending
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/29
IRS Cautions of New Phishing Scam Targeting New York Taxpayers
The Internal Revenue Service is alerting taxpayers of New York regarding a latest phishing
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/29
Identity Thieves Abuse Facebook For Ripping Victims
According to an identity theft specialist based in Boston named Robert Siciliano who's also a consultant at McAfee, 'identity thieves' flock on Facebook the
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/28
Spam Falls But Viruses Rise During Q3-2010, Reports Google
According to a new report by Google's Postini, the wing that looks after archiving hosted facility and e-mail security, the total volume of spam observed
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/28
Scareware Campaign Using Chrome And Firefox Alerts, Warns F-Secure
F-Secure the security company cautions computer operators that a newly unleashed malware scam is
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/28
Halloween Exploited For Scareware And Spam
Security researcher Samir Patil from Symantec cautions that with Halloween coming closer, spammers are frantically luring Internet users with Halloween
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/28
The UK Gets Attacked by 1,000 Cyber Threats Monthly
Recently, the UK based Government Communications Headquarter disclosed that the nation's government computer networks are targeted by around 1000 cyber
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/28
New Malware Technique AET Targeting IPSs
Recently, researchers at Stonesoft, a provider of integrated network security and business continuity solutions, revealed a new type of ...
SPAMfighter News 2010/10/27
Netizens Beware: E-mails from Ashley Anderson Includes Virus
Recently, security experts have raised warning of a new computer virus that comes via an e-mail and
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/27
Kaspersky USA Download Website Compromised by Hackers
Cybercriminals became a serious cause of humiliation for Russian security vendor Kaspersky Lab's, when they recently (3rd week of October 2010) hacked the
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/27
Cybercriminals Using Zeus Botnet to Steal Charles Schwab Investment Accounts
Derek Manky, Project Manager for Cybersecurity and Threat research at Sunnyvale, California based Fortinet said on 15th, October 2010 that, the cybercrooks
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/27
Microsoft Witnesses Java Attack Codes In Unprecedented Bulk
Microsoft, on October 18, 2010, declared that a never like before surge of web assaults was abusing security flaws within Java software of Oracle. Stated
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/27
M86 Security Finds New Exploit Toolkit
Security researchers from M86 Security a security company warn that there's a fresh Exploit Toolkit, which they've detected and named Zombie Infection
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/26
Massive Depreciation in Number of Waledac Infected Systems in Q2 - 2010
Recently, Microsoft released its biannual Security Intelligence Report on 13th October 2010. According to the report, the software giant cleaned up 29,816
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/26
Governments and Businesses Must Collaborate Against Malware Threats
Recently, Dr James Lyne, Chief technologist at Sophos warned that the numbers of malware attacks
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/26
Koobface Trojan Soaring Massively
German security vendor 'eleven' recently published a report naming 'E-mail Security Report October 2010'. According to this report, around 80 % of the ...
SPAMfighter News 2010/10/26
Chinese Hackers Seized SK Defense Secrets
According to a report by South Korea's intelligence agency on October 15, 2010, Chinese hackers seized confidential documents from SK's foreign affairs and
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/25
Cyber Assaults on Finnish State Offices and Organizations, Regular
According to NBI (National Bureau of Investigation), cyber-attacks against organizations in Finland as well as the country's state offices show a growing
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/25
Botnets Expand More Than Double: Microsoft
According to Microsoft's SIRv9 (Security Intelligence Report volume 9), the total number of computers the company has detected that belong to a botnet
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/25
Zeus Now Used to Collate Information Other than Banking Credentials
According to security writer JC Donnelly associated with the Tech FAQ newswire, the Zeus Trojan, which is originally utilized for stealing Internet users'
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/25
BKIS Detects Fresh IM PC Worm Spoofing YouTube
The Bach Khoa Internet Security (BKIS) a Vietnamese security company confirms that a fresh PC worm is currently proliferating through Instant Messaging all
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/23
One in Five Compromised Machines Had a Zeus Variant
Soon after the Zbot detection was started (2nd week of October 2010) by Microsoft, the company reported that the threat was detected on one in five
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/23
Destructive Trojan Claims as Microsoft Stuxnet Clean Up Solution
According to the security researchers at the security firm Symantec, a harmful Trojan that removes all the information from the computer partition, pretends
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/23
Spam E-mail Attacking Function at a Success Rate of One Percent
Security vendor 'McAfee' announced at its 'Focus 2010 Conference', Las Vegas, in the second week of October 2010 that cybercrimes have increased
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/23
Indian Cybercriminals Creating Botnets and Networks to Compromise PCs
According to the recently released Microsoft's Security Intelligence Report version 9, Indian cybercrooks are increasingly devising techniques to create
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/22
Botnets appear as a Huge Threat in 2011
The Georgia Tech Information Security Center (GTISC) 2011 Emerging Cyber Threats Report was released in recent times in which it predicated that one of the
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/22
Alert Indian Government's Cyber Defense Team Thwarted Stuxnet Bug Threat
As per the Department of Information Technology's Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) it prevented a major trouble in India's energy sector by
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/22
New Bugat Trojan, in A Better-Hidden Version, Emerges
According to security researchers at Trusteer, the Bugat Trojan which steals financial data has been found afresh as it carries out Internet fraud. Lately,
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/22
Fresh Next-G Malicious Software To Capture Behavioral Patterns
According to a warning by security researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a fresh malicious program is waiting in the remote which will
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/21
Nigerian scam mails circulating in various states of US
Security officials cautioned that different US states and their residents are being hit by the notorious Nigerian scam mail.
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UK Businesswoman Alerting Businesses about Scam E-mails
Sarah Moore, a caterer by profession, from Bridport (Dorset, England) has raised warning of a possible e-mail scam presently making rounds on the Internet,
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/21
US Computers Most Infected with Rimecud Botnet
According to Microsoft, which recently published its Security Intelligence Report, the United States hosts the world's largest number of zombies (about
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/21
Spammers, Already Active, Surrounding Latest Harry Potter Movie
According to Symantec the security company, although the 'Harry Potter and The Deadly Hallows' film is yet to be released after more than a month, spammers
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/20
Spam Volumes Decreased After the Spamit Closure
To decrease the persistent amount of spam e-mail, Spamit has shut down its doors; considerably reducing global spam volumes, as reported by eweek on 6th
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/20
Spammers Hijack Computers on Microsoft’s Network
Microsoft recently said that spammers hacked into two PCs that were part of its network as well as manipulated them to push over 1,000 dubious
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Microsoft Issues Hitherto Largest Update Under Patch Tuesday Cycle
Microsoft, on October 12, 2010, issued 16 security bulletins under its latest update cycle of Patch Tuesday.
A total of 49
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/19
Pharma Spam E-mails Stopped by Avira Researchers
As per the researchers at the security firm 'Avira', pharma spam e-mails professing to originate from Twitter have been stopped recently.
SPAMfighter News 2010/10/19
Almost 99,000 PCs in Kuwait hit by Malware in August
Ian Cochrane an Marketing Manager of Trend Micro Middle East, while speaking at Radisson Blu on 6th Oct in the IT Security Roadshow organized by IDC
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XSS Vulnerabilities Discovered on Eset, Panda and Symantec
A group of White-hat hackers namely Team Elite has discovered XSS (cross-site scripting) flaws of different degrees of seriousness on the online sites
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/19
Kaspersky Labs Identifies 32m Flawed Files and Software
According to Kaspersky Labs the security company, it identified nearly 32 million flawed files and software programs on people's PCs during the recent
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/18
Board of Equalization and American Savings Bank Cautions of Phishing Attacks
Recently, American Savings Bank stated that they got to know about two e-mail phishing
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/18
Spammers Using Soft Hyphen to Spoof URL’s FOR Web Pages
According to a recent trend spammers are exploiting little-used soft hyphen (a SHY character) to evade URL filtering devices. According to the security firm
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/18
Majority of Malware Threats Originates Within the US
According to the first half yearly report released by the security firm Cyveillance, most of the ...
SPAMfighter News 2010/10/16
Online Gaming Websites Target 3.4 Million Malware Attacks Everyday
According to the security firm Kaspersky Lab cybercrooks execute around more than 3.4 million ...
SPAMfighter News 2010/10/16
IRD Warns of Fake Tax Refund E-mail Scam
According to the New Zealand's tax agency fraud e-mails that appear to come from the Inland Revenue Department are making the rounds on the Internet. These
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/15
Security Experts Fear Attack of Comcast Botnet Notification System
Security experts fear that US residential Internet Service Provider (ISP), Comcast's latest botnet notification system, claiming that it will be abused by
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/15
NERC Released Alert on Stuxnet Malware and Calls for Rugged Software
As Stuxnet activity increase in late September 2010 the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) released an industry alert in September 2010
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Stuxnet Worm Responsible for Destroying Indian Satellite
According to a US bound security researcher, Jeffrey Carr, the Siemens-targeting Stuxnet worm created by Israel's military was also behind the destruction
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/15
New Computer Worm Circulating Across Famous Social Networking Websites
Researchers at security firm BKIS (Bach Khoa Internet Security) announced that a new variety of a computer worm called W32.Hitwica.Worm is propagating on
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/14
Fresh Trojan Carberp Reported To Be Evolving
The Trust Defender's research and development unit Trust Defender Labs is warning that Carberp, a most recent transactional Trojan, is becoming increasingly
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/14
Computer Trojan Compels Firefox to Save Passwords
Researchers at the security firm Webroot have identified a malware competent of stealing login
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/14
Cross-Site Scripting Bug Discovered on Amazon
According to a security researcher famous by nickname "SeeMe" said that a critical persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) flaw was found on
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/14
Former Fannie Mae Engineer Imprisoned for Planting Malware
Rajendrasinh Babubhai Makwana (36), a former Fannie Mae computer engineer of Montgomery (Southern US) has been convicted for planting a concealed
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/13
Global Critical Infrastructure Increasingly Being Penetrated By Cyber Crooks
The Stuxnet worm, affecting numerous industrial control machines corresponds to the capability of hackers at penetrating critical infrastructure. A new
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/13
Canadian Spammer asked to Pay Facebook $1 billion
A Montreal (Canada) man, namely, Adam Guerbuez has been asked to pay Facebook $1 billion after reportedly spamming its members with some spam messages.
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Huge Rise in Sality Virus and Adware in September 2010
Kaspersky Lab has recently released its monthly analysis of malware for September 2010. According
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/13
Fake Browser Security Warnings scamming Users Into Downloading 'Scareware'
Parveen Vashishtha, Security Researcher at Symantec stated that the cybercriminals were spoofing anti-malware security alert warnings displayed in famous
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/12
Trend Micro Spots Fresh File Infector
Investigators from Trend Micro the security company caution that a fresh malware has been detected
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New XSS Bugs Found On ebay And Paypal
A security investigator identified with the name d3v1l, on October 6, 2010, discovered a fresh XSS flaw on that he revealed on both as
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/12
Isolation of Infected Computers from the Internet Could Be Possible in Future
According to a new security model proposed by software king Microsoft, it will be possible in future to isolate computers infected with ...
SPAMfighter News 2010/10/12
Crimeware-as-a-Service Fueling The Growth of New Threats
CA Technologies has recently released its report on the ever changing threat landscape of the internet naming, State of the Internet 2010. This report
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/11
UK Domain Registrar Targeted by Mass Injection Attack
Security firm Sucuri (providing web integrity monitoring solutions and operating a website malware
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/11
Iran makes Arrests After Stuxnet Attacks on Nuclear Facilities
Heydar Moslehi, Iran's Intelligence Minister said on 2nd October 2010 that, authorities had arrested various "nuclear spies" who were operating to
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/11
Code Generators For Recon Helmet in ‘Halo: Reach’ Deliver Malware
Microsoft is cautioning that followers of the Halo: Reach should keep themselves away from a few code generators that though pledge for providing the
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/11
Bitdefender Releases Q3-2010 Security Report, Autorun First Among Five e-Threats
BitDefender the security company published its list of 5 malware threats that were most prevalent
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/9
Huge Spike in Number of Infected Emails During September 2010
E-mail security vendor AppRiver recently released its monthly report for September 2010. The report revealed that in spite of the spam traffic being on a
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/9
Computer Trojans and Scareware Identified As the Top 10 Threats of September 2010
Security vendor 'GFI Software' (previously known as Sunbelt Labs) has compiled the list of top 10 most widespread ...
SPAMfighter News 2010/10/9
Yahoo! Attacked by Phishing Campaign
According to the security researchers at Vietnamese security firm Bkis (Bach Khoa Internet Security) a new series of ...
SPAMfighter News 2010/10/9
HTML Attachment Spam Campaign Spiked During Recent Months
According to the statistics revealed by security firm Sophos, spam campaigns generating spam e-mails with malicious attachments have been insistently making
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/8
Fresh Spam Mails Abusing itunes Store Receipts, Reports Pandalabs
Researchers at PandaLabs the security company are cautioning that a fresh malicious e-mail campaign which's mistreating receipts associated with the iTunes
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/8
37 Charged With Committing Bank Fraud Using Zeus
The FBI along with the Office of U.S. Attorney within southern New York, on September 30, 2010, declared charges against 37 individuals blaming them of
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/8
Spam Traps 95 Percent of All e-mail Sent Worldwide
According to a recent quarterly report released by Panda Security, 95% e-mails in circulation during the third quarter of 2010 were spam.
SPAMfighter News 2010/10/8
Computers Trojans Responsible for Around 60% of Malware in H1-2010
According to the Trend Micro's (security firm) new report released in the first week of 2010, computer Trojans accounted for around 60% of new signatures
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/7
Fortinet Witnessed Emergence of Asprox Spambot
The malware episode is still dominated by botnets according to the September 2010 Threat Landscape
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/7
Europe Grabs the Title of "Top Producer of Spam" For H1-2010
The H1-2010 report released by the security firm Trend Micro revealed that Europe surpassed North and South Americas and the Asia-Pacific region, in terms
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/7
Computer Virus Hit Trade Me Website Users
The users of 'Trade Me' auction website have recently been hit by a computer virus. It is said that the auction website allowed the download of an
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/7
After Terrifying Iran, Stuxnet Attacks Kazakhstan and Russia
Kaspersky Lab has reported that Iran has witnessed a decrease in the number of hosts infected with Stuxnet since July 2010. But it spiked in Kazakhstan and
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/6
Popular Websites Deliver More Malware Than Porn Sites: Websense
According to Websense the security company, which recently released a research paper, malware
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/6
London Police Detains 19 For Online Bank Heist
The London Metropolitan Police Central E-Crime Unit recently busted a complex cyber-crime gang, detaining 19 individuals who allegedly attacked Internet
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/6
Trojans Accounted for 55% Of New Threats in Q3 2010
PandaLabs (Panda Security anti-malware laboratory) has recently released its third quarter (2010) report on global virus activity. According to the report,
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/6
Fake UPS Spam E-mails Spread Malware
Security researchers at Vietnamese security vendor BKIS (Bach Khoa Internet Security) have warned against a new series of spam emails impersonating United
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/5
Stuxnet Circulates Via Binary Planting
Researchers at the security firm Symantec have unveiled a new method of Stuxnet propagation that affects Step7 project folders. This leads to computer
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/5
Hackers Suspected Of Online Bank Fraud Arrested
Ukrainian authorities arrested five hackers in September 2010 on suspicion that they looted foreign companies off huge amounts of money out of their bank
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/5
Scareware Purveyors Abuse Drug That Cures MS
Researchers from security company GFI Software, earlier called Sunbelt, are cautioning that one fresh BHSEO (Black-Hat Search Engine Optimization) scam is
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/5
Fresh Zeus C&C Vulnerability Detected
Google security engineer Billy Rios has detected vulnerability within the C&C (command-and-control) Web program of Trojan Zeus that if exploited can let
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/4
Twitter Destroys 2nd Pc Worm During Same Week
According to Sophos a security company, Twitter, for the second time in a week, destroyed a PC worm during the fourth weekend of September 2010 after the
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/4
Malware Campaign Hits Linkedin, Reports Cisco
Researchers from Cisco the security company warn that cyber-criminals have launched an extremely hostile ...
SPAMfighter News 2010/10/4
My Opera Discovered Hosting Malicious Code
Researchers from Kaspersky Lab the anti-virus security company are cautioning that hackers are
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/4
Fresh Trojan Circulating While Capturing Digital Certificates
Security researchers at Internet security company Symantec has cautioned that a fresh Trojan is being disseminated through tax-related e-mail junk that's
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/2
Twitter Inflicted With Malicious Software
Twitter accounts, on September 21, 2010, were regaining their usual functioning following a severe attack from ...
SPAMfighter News 2010/10/2
Symantec reports employee behavior with respect to prohibited websites
Symantec Corp., the security company, on September 21, 2010, released its MessageLabs Intelligence Report of September 2010, according to which, a total of
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/2
Common Dangers Like Spam Remain Most Lethal in Offices
Web and spam filtering software maker SpamTitan Technologies, on September 21, 2010, released its latest report involving a survey of small-and-medium
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/2
Adware Disseminated Through Bing During ‘Firefox’ Online Search
According to a warning by leading software firm GFI Sunbelt, users searching on Bing for Firefox the open source Web-browser may land on an online site that
...SPAMfighter News 2010/10/1
Toolkit For Creating Trojan Contaminates The Same People Using It
Security specialists at Webroot the anti-virus company published a new study according to which,