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December 2017
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/30
UAE Cautions about Malicious PDF Files Entering E-mail, WhatsApp Accounts
In the most recent series of malware, officials of UAE are currently cautioning the public for exercising vigilance as they click anonymous files
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/30
Fancy Bear the Russian Hackers’ Syndicate Attacks Hundreds of Media Reporters
Pavel Lobkov television anchor of Russia would in a while start his show just then he came to know that his messages of the most intimate kind were
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/29
Maryland Man Admits to Committing Number of Cyber Attacks
Zachary Buchta from Maryland having connections with global hacking gangs and victimizing thousands of people admitted to charges of conspiracy in
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/29
Malware Mining Crypto-Currency is Targeting Users of Facebook Messenger
According to security researchers, a malware that mines crypto-currency is trying to exploit users of Facebook Messenger. The attack campaign is
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/28
Phishing Scams Target Singapore Airlines, DBS Bank Customers
On December 20, 2017, police reported that phishing e-mails supposedly from Singapore Airlines and DBS Bank were landing inside the mailboxes of
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/28
EtherDelta a Crypto-Currency Exchange Cautions Customers about Hackers’ Assaults
Widely visited crypto-currency exchange EtherDelta is no longer providing its services following an attack that seems to have struck
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/28
Around 100000 Kiwis in Worldwide Uber Breach Case
Around 100,000 New Zealand clients and drivers were hooked up with a huge hack on transport organization Uber; the news of breach of security was
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/27
Warning of Malware Breach was Issued by SISA the Renowned Security Firm
On Tuesday, SISA the security firm alerted all banks and those who initiate payments, to change passwords for staffs that can access payment server.
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/27
US Government Declares North Korea Directly behind the WannaCry Outbreaks
The administration of Donald Trump, on December 18, told the public that the PC-worm WannaCry's outbreaks were the work of North Korea as it
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James Brown of CBS, Talked about the Porn Tweet Happened on Twitter Hack
The 66 years old CBS's The NFL Today host James Brown claimed that his Twitter account was hacked on Sunday and a porn video was uploaded in his
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/26
Uber Breached Rivals’ Trade Secrets, Former Manager Alleges
A stirring letter by an erstwhile security specialist with Uber which certain federal judge unsealed on December 15 reveals an accusation by the
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/26
As Crypto-Currency Valuations Rise, Hackers’ Key Targets are the Exchanges
Leading economists from Europe collectively said that there was no threat of damage from Bitcoin to healthy finance while it wouldn't shake
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/26
Fresh Android Malware ‘Loapi’ Capable of Burning the Phone
'Loapi' is the latest mobile malware capable of damaging phones in case it's not eliminated from the appliances. The malware works by downloading
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/22
Hackers Tied to North Korea Target Crypto-Currency Dealers
On December 16, Bitcoin's prices made one fresh record as it got a high $19,000 value per one BTC, while it appears that North Korea will cash in on
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/22
Facebook Targeting Engagement Bait for Reducing ‘Like’ Spam
Facebook the popular social-networking website has engaged in non-stop monitoring of users' content to let only worthy matters remain on its space.
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/22
Congress Nominee of Surat fears of Hacking EVM through Wi-Fi
The Wi-Fi connection of the Gandhi Engineering Collage's campus, which is situated in Surat in Athwa Lines, was terminated, after the candidate of
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/21
Union Bank all Ready for Digital Transformation
Union Bank in the Philippines under Aboitiz, similar to the majority of big banks across the island may go digital. The bank is all ready to face
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/21
Retailers Top on Cyber-Attack Target Index
EMEA, Cogeco Peer 1's Vice-President Susan Bowen who's also the company's General Manager highlights the malware and other cyber-attacks, which
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/20
Tenable Drops Functionalities of New Product, Faces Clients’ Displeasure
Tenable a cyber-security company finds it troublesome dealing with clients ever-since it cut down certain functionalities of its latest product,
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/20
Plant Operation was Stopped by the Hacker in Case of Watershed Cyber Attack
As stated by cyber investigator and the software organization itself that were targeted said, the hackers operate for nation-state; thrash this
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/20
Cyber Security Mission of DHS Overhauled with Passage of Bill in U.S House
The legislative body of U.S House recently approved an act which would organize afresh the cyber-security mission of Department of Homeland
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/19
Hack at an Australian Airport Linked to Vietnamese Man
A male of Vietnamese national, aged 31, is facing an imprisonment sentence being involved in executing a hack, which compromised Perth International
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/19
Banks are targeted from Moscow continues to Utah, hackers related to the Russians
As per the cyber security firm from Moscow who runs world's largest cyber forensics lab in East Europe, $10 million were stolen from bank of U.S and
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/18
Take care of your personal data which can be stolen by Bitcoin spam
Scammer is utilizing the text messages to steal personal data from the phone owners. They are sending text messages that tell the owner that they are
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/18
Erstwhile Rutgers pupil who is accused of cyber offences
An ex-student of Rutgers University recently admitted inside federal court that he along with others created one PC-virus which brought down global
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/18
An inside source of Barclays identified as culprit involved in money laundering
An insider of Barclays Bank known to have assisted cyber-criminals in embezzling an uncountable amount of pounds filched via employing one PC-virus is
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/15
Surging Bitcoin value makes the crypto-currency attractive target for hackers
Sky News reports security researchers as telling that North Korea is looking for profiting from an increasing price of Bitcoin via infiltrating
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/15
Russian hacker apparently behind DNC attack
According to one Russian hacker, he apparently in exchange of a fee from the intelligence group of his country intruded the servers of Democratic
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/15
Microsoft has introduced a patch for virus in the Malware Protection Engine of Windows
A security patch has been released in Windows Malware Protection Engine to restore a flaw. If this glitch is left untreated, a memory defilement error
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/14
Microsoft takes care of security flaw in its MPE
Microsoft recently released one emergency security update that would fix one security flaw exploited for execution of code remotely. The flaw is
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/14
Computer systems at Mecklenburg County hacked
According to Dena Diorio Manager of Mecklenburg County, a hacker recently took offline the computer systems at the county while had demanded a ransom
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/13
Scammers Make Money with Malware Masquerading as BSOD
Malwarebytes is warning about a malware that has been rightly named Troubleshooter, which is an unreal 'Blue-Screen-of-Death' (BSOD), seeking for
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/13
Man in Florida who hacked Uber database paid to delete the data
A Florida man has been called the hacker who was behind the data breach at Uber the rider company in 2016 which led to the compromise for 600 drivers
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/13
Edwards in North West Louisiana declares opening of Cyber-security Commission
USA's national security at the intensity like never before is focused on cyber-security today, said John Bel Edwards Governor of Louisiana on December
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/12
Europe’s most Cyber Vulnerable Cities – Berlin and London
Trend Micro the computer security firm reports Berlin to have over 2.8m unprotected online devices with London following closely with over 2.5m
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/12
BTCWare Ransomware Spotted Spreading through RDS
Michael Gillespie, security researcher detected BTCWare ransomware proliferating through RDS (remote desktop services). Any weakly-protected RDS
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/11
UK Government Departments Advised against Using Anti-virus from Companies Tied to Russia
An alert has been issued to government departments of UK that they mustn't utilize anti-virus software that are obtained from technology companies
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/11
PayPal Phishing Scam Erupts again during the Year-end Holidays
E-mail phishers are yet again cashing in on the approaching holidays when people get busy with online shopping for the festival. They're distributing
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/11
New Version of CryptoMix Ransomware Detected
MalwareHunterTeam detected one fresh version of CryptoMix a ransom software which appends encrypted file-names with the extension namely .TEST as well
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/8
Uber is Sued by Washington State for Concealing about Data Breaches
A multimillion dollar lawsuit has been filed against Uber for the consumer protectionby the attorney general of Washington state Mr. Bob Ferguson,
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/8
Exploding Bitcoin Worth Resulting in Growing Crypto-currency Malicious Software
Security companies have issued alerts regarding increasing malware along with further threats that harvest crypto-currencies as cyber-criminals
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/7
Speeding Fine Payment, Subject of Latest Phishing Scam
Gardai has issued an alert regarding one fresh phishing scam that is related to speeding fine payments. In that there's a fake phone-call, which
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/7
Canadian Hacker Admits Committing Hack on Yahoo Affecting Innumerable Accounts
A man from Canada, on November 28, admitted to committing cyber offences in connection with a huge Yahoo hack, which according to officials, was
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/7
Blockstack uses Man-in-the-Middle Counter Assault against Phishing Sites
Scammers in anticipation of successfully luring a category of investors of a company called Blockstack, which withdrew the free fall investors were
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/6
Man Indicted with Hacking Charges to help Russian Government Admits to Cyber-Crime
Karim Baratov, aged 22, described as "hacker-for-hire" ran a series of attacks in a scheme that compromised electronic mail accounts
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/6
Clarksons, The Shipping Firm? Another Victim of Ransomware
Clarkson is a world-renowned shipping company working since 1852. They are warning customers who might have been victimized in ransomware, though the
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/5
US Corporations were Hacked; Three Chinese were Blamed by the US
As disclosed by U.S. prosecutors on Monday, Siemens AG, Moody's Analytics and Trimble Inc's network were hacked and business secrets were stolen by a
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BBB Cautions about Phishing Scam using Name of PayPal
Cyber-criminals have been distributing e-mails making false confirmations from PayPal about payments. These e-mails have web-links, which on clicking
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/5
Apple’s Latest Mac OS Bug couldn’t be Easier to Use for Hack
Some software vulnerabilities can be hacked. Some others do not even need to be hacked for their software programs are too vulnerable. The macOS High Sierra
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/4
To Aware the Hacking Victims, FBI Diverged its Policy
After learning about the policy change of the FBI, The Associated Press has disclosed that the FBI did this to notify the sufferer of PC hacking when
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/4
Spoofed Symantec Blog Disseminated OSX.Proton Malicious Program
The malicious program Proton Mac has made a comeback, but cyber-criminals cashed in on Symantec's company blog for its dissemination. They created an
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/4
IRS Cautions about Latest Tax-Related Phishing E-mail Campaigns
Internal Revenue Service, tax agencies of states along with tax industry of the country urge the public for being watchful of fresh, advanced form of e-mail
...SPAMfighter News 2017/12/1
The Enormous Yahoo Breach’s Hacker Supposed to be Guilty
Earlier in this year Karim Baratov postponed his entitlement to battle against the fact of his removal from Canada on US request. He schedules to show
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/1
Phony Application to Supposedly Update WhatsApp Downloaded
A phony application to supposedly update WhatsApp whose publisher is WhatsApp Inc. and which was among the listed apps on Google's Play Store was
SPAMfighter News 2017/12/1
Hackers Infiltrate Fake News and Porn Inside IS Websites
According to media reports, Iraqi hackers with a purpose towards making Islamic State supporters suspicious have started one Internet-based