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October 2013
SPAMfighter News 2013/10/31
Massive Ransomware Assault Force Shutdown of CCPU Computers
Superintendent Bill Callaway of CCPU (Clay Center Public Utilities) situated at Kansas (USA) has said that a ransomware cyber-assault recently forced
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/31
Apple Users yet again Targeted with Phishing E-mail, States TechHive
Staff Writer Evan Dashevsky at San Diego (USA) situated TechHive the staffing and technology consulting firm says that reports have come in from Apple users
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/30
Trend Micro says that Apollo Malware Campaign Targets Bankers in Eastern Europe
Security firm Trend Micro says through a recently released Whitepaper that a malware campaign known
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/30
The Report of Symantec Reveals ‘Cyber Frauds Cost India a Whopping $4 Billion’
According to the Norton Report of 2013 released recently by Internet security solutions provider Symantec, the increasing incidents of cyber-crimes like
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/29
USPS Cautions of Scam E-mails Regarding Missed Package Delivery
According to USPS (United States Postal Service), fake e-mails are reaching users' inboxes claiming as messages from it regarding parcels that couldn't be
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/29
UAE Most Malware-Contaminated Country in ME; Trend Micro
Trend Micro, which recently conducted a survey within Middle East (ME), found that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is most ...
SPAMfighter News 2013/10/28
E-mail Phishers Dupe Jeweler off INR 7.5 Lakhs
Cyber-criminals recently, through an advanced phishing assault tricked Lokesh Chaudhary,
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/28
BBB Warns Realtors of North Texas about a New Phishing Email Campaign
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) of North Texas (US) is warning real estate offices and agents about a new ...
SPAMfighter News 2013/10/26
Popular Attack Toolkit BlackHole Substituted with Magnitude
According to Counter Threat Unit (CTU) of Dell SecureWorks, following the news about BlackHole attack toolkit's developer, nicknamed "Paunch" the
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/26
Facebook Messages Claiming Will Smith Dead Install Malicious Software
Scam e-mails doing the rounds on Facebook assert that Will Smith the celebrated film star is no more following an operation he recently underwent. Indeed,
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/25
Malware-Laden E-mails being used against Dropbox Users
AppRiver has just detected one fresh malware campaign that involves infected electronic mails
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Malware Infected IAEA’s Computers, Agency Reports
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of United Nations Organization told its member states through a secret notification that ...
SPAMfighter News 2013/10/24
Work-at-Qantas Scam E-mails Circulating
According to a warning published in dated October 14, 2013, Internauts, especially those seeking jobs, must tread cautiously, as scam e-mails
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/24
Phishers Exploit News of Upgrading to Windows 8.1
Dynamoo Blog's Conrad Longmore, Security Blogger has warned that as users of Windows 8 hasten towards revising their software by downloading the upgraded
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/23
UK’s Orange Subscribers Attacked with Scam E-mails
Scam e-mails posing as messages sent from Orange, the UK-based service provider of Internet and mobile, are presently circulating online, hitting unwitting
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/23
Trojan Egobot’s Perpetrators also behind Nemim Campaign
Researchers from Symantec the security company, keeping watch over one cyber-crime operation, which utilizes Egobot a Trojan aiming at South Korea-situated
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/22
UK-based Internet Crook gets Jail for Over 5 Years
A cyber-criminal, who conned to steal 750,000 pounds through an embezzlement of financial data belonging to 765 people, is facing an imprisonment sentence
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/22
Security Experts Discovered Emails Impersonating American Express
Phishing emails impersonating credit card provider American Express, more popularly known as AmEx, are currently making rounds on the Internet and hitting
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/21
Spam Mails Captioned “Security Info” Hit Internet-Users’ Inboxes
Security experts are warning about online-spammers who're distributing bulk e-mails to Internet-users, having the title "Security Info" as they
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/21
Dell: Cybercriminals Deploy ‘Upatre’ Downloader in an Attempt to Distribute ‘Gameover’ Trojan
Security researchers of Dell's SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit (CTU) have been securitizing the actions of a group of cybercriminals that depend on the P2P
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/19
Scam E-mail Campaign Purports to be from Middlesbrough’s Law Company
A law company of Middlesbrough has issued an alert that one e-mail scam is doing the rounds posing as messages from it, thus published
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/19
Author of BHEK Arrested by Russian Authorities reported on 8th October, 2013 stating that according to murmurings on 7th October, 2013 (Monday), the notorious writer of the BlackHole exploit
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/18
PureVPN Hacked and Embezzled Email Addresses Used to Send Hoax Emails reported on 7th October 2013, stating that customers of VPN (Virtual Private Network) provider PurePVN recently started receiving hoax emails
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/18
DFSA Warns Internauts about Fake Email Campaigns reported on 9th October, 2013 that Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) has recently issued a security alert about a scam campaign
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/17
Ransomware Used to Exploit Logo of ‘Malta Police Force’
According to a warning by Malta's Police Force, one PC malware that has been named "Malta
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/17
Dropbox Targeted with Spam Mails Carrying Malware
Conrad Longmore, Security Blogger for Dynamoo's Blog has warned users of Dropbox for being vigilant of malware-laced spam mails presently hitting their
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/16
Fresh Phishing Scam Pretending to be Halifax Bank Detected
Security researchers warn about a phishing scam that they perceive impersonates the
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/16
Comcast Clients get Fake E-mails Threatening of Arrest for Non-Payment of Bills
One fake e-mail targeting customers of Comcast, the phone, Internet and cable service provider based in Philadelphia dupes Internauts into believing they're
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/16
Bogus WhatsApp Voicemail Messages Employed to Spread Malware
Few weeks ago, experts of security firm ThreatTrack Security started warning users about fake WhatsApp voicemail notifications which were used by
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/15
Malware Authorized with Digital Certificate Witness Huge Proliferation; McAfee
Experts from McAfee the security company state that malware accompanied with digital authorization
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/15
Iran Arrests Four Persons and Foils Sabotage Attempt on Nuclear Plants reported news on 6th October, 2013 quoting Ali Akbar Salehi, Chief of Atomic Energy organization as saying "Iran has arrested four
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/15
Bermuda Police Warns Locals about Lottery Scam Emails
The Financial Crime Unit of Bermuda Police Service will like to remind local residents to remain cautious of ...
SPAMfighter News 2013/10/12
Washington University Hit with Phishing Scam, Alerts Students, Employees
St. Louis (Missouri, USA) situated Washington University lately informed staff and students about an attempted ...
SPAMfighter News 2013/10/12
FBI Shuts Down Grey Website ‘Silk Road’ and Arrests its Mastermind reported on 3rd October, 2013 stating that FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) has shutdown the notorious 'Silk Road' underground
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/11
Spam Mails Refer to Kenyan Mall Incident, Deliver Malware
Symantec the security company cautions Internauts to be wary about malware-laden e-mails that cyber-criminals are distributing while referring to the Kenyan
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/11
Coast360 warns its Members to be Wary of Phishing Scam published news on 4th October, 2013 stating that 'Coast360 Federal Credit Union' has received reports recently of an alleged ...
SPAMfighter News 2013/10/10
AppRiver Quarantines Around 3.5 Billion Spam Emails during August 2013
AppRiver, a provider of email and web security solution, has released its Global Threatscape Report for September 2013 documenting the amount of spam
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ACMA Reports that Half of Australian Internauts are not Concerned about Malware published a report on 2nd October, 2013 stating that Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has recently released a research
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/9
Scammers are Continuously Exploiting Fake Death News of Jackie Chan
Cybercriminals are constantly abusing Hollywood's superhero 'Jackie Chan's' fake death news, warn security experts, published on September 30,
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Reputation of PayPal Exploited by New Phishing Campaign, Warns Graham Cluley
"Cyber crooks are exploiting the reputation of payment processor PayPal in a new ...
SPAMfighter News 2013/10/8
ZeroAccess Bot-Herders Experience Detachment of their Bots following Sinkholing
Security experts at Symantec the security company recently carried out a "sinkholing" activity that proved disastrous for ZeroAccess bot-herders.
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/8
Phishing E-mails Impersonating Facebook on the Prowl
Security specialists are warning of phishing e-mails, which are captioned "Unblock
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/7
Virus Infects Computers of Belgian PMO
According to government officials in Belgium, security researchers investigating computers at Elio Di Rupo's office the Prime Minister of the country,
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/7
Trojans Represented Most Internet Threats during Q2-2013, Reports PandaLabs
PandaLabs, which recently declared its Q2 2013 Threat Report, concludes that in the record levels of ...
SPAMfighter News 2013/10/5
Microsoft says that New Variant of Infamous Sefnit Trojan Reappeared reported on 26th September, 2013 quoting software giant Microsoft as stating "The creators of the infamous Sefnit Trojan have reemerged using
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/5
Facebook Wins $3 Million Spam Lawsuit against Power Ventures
After a nearly sixty month long court battle, Facebook has finally won $3 million indemnity from social-networking integration company Power Ventures, and
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/4
Security Researchers Reveal - New Malware Napolar Embezzles Information and Initiates DDOS Attacks
Security researchers of security firm ESET and Avast have identified a new strain of malware, reported on 25th September, 2013. Nicknamed
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/4
Networking Website LinkedIn is being Sued for ‘Hack and Spam’ Attacks on Members reported on 25th September, 2013 stating that professional networking company LinkedIn, having in excess of 225 million users, is supposedly
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/4
EvilGrab Malware Attacked Computers in Asia-Pacific Region - Trend Micro
Threat analysts of security firm Trend Micro recently highlighted a new malware family, dubbed
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/3
Instead of Employing Highly Precarious, Advanced Attack Techniques, Attackers Capitalize on Hacking
IBM, which has just released its Mid-Year Trend and Risk Report for 2013, states that zero-day attack codes and custom ...
SPAMfighter News 2013/10/3
ESET Reported Major Surge in Activity of Filecoder Malware
IT security company 'ESET' is reporting a strange spike in the activity of Filecoder malware -
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/3
Beware of Bogus Emails Offering Jobs from Disney Cruise Line - Experts published a report on 25th September, 2013 quoting a warning by security experts as "Beware of scam emails that advertise job offers from
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/1
Name of Chinese Manufacturer of Ceramic Products Exploited in Malware Spam Campaign
Security researchers of security firm MX Lab warned that 'Guangzhou Jintao Ceramic Co. Ltd.', a Chinese producer of ceramic products name, is presently
...SPAMfighter News 2013/10/1
‘Priyanka Chopra’ is the Riskiest Celebrity in Indian Cyberspace, says McAfee
Reining actress of Indian Hindi film industry or Bollywood as it is more popularly called, 'Priyanka Chopra' has been crowned as the 'Most Dangerous