IT Security News

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April 2009
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/30
Scammers Target Chase Bank Accountholders with Phishing E-mail
A new e-mail scam is making the rounds on the Internet while targeting customers of Chase Bank (Missouri, U.S) warns Chase. Says the Bank that the e-mail,
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/30
Criminals Abuse APCIMS Name in Latest Phishing Scam
Criminals have exploited the name of the Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers [APCIMS, UK] in an international ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/30
Millions of Windows Computers Never Patched
Security Company Qualys Inc. recently conducted a study according to which, over 80m Windows computers in the range of 5%-20% of all PCs are always short of
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/30
FBI Criticizes Too Much Attention on Conficker
According to FBI on April 23, 2009, the mainstream media clamor, which resulted in software update of Conficker the computer virus, might have diverted
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Cybercriminals may Challenge 2012 Olympics in UK
While addressing the "Infosecurity Europe" conference going on in London, the Former Home Secretary, David Blunkett, has expressed that if
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/30
Cyber Crimes Rise as Consumer Confidence Declines
In its most recent half-yearly Security Index report, Unisys highlights that consumers by a huge number are certain that the economic recession is
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/29
Cybercriminals Adopting Sophisticated Attack Techniques
A panel of security experts, representing the three leading financial institutes PayPal, JPMorganChase and Bank of America, revealed at the RSA Conference
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Taipei - A Threat to Asia-Pacific’s Cyber Security
Symantec's recent report on global Internet threats claims that Taiwan's Capital, Taipei, with around 186,000 systems infected by bots, was responsible for
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/29
New Spam Worm Splits into Gmail CAPTCHA
The Vietnamese Security Firm, Bach Koa Internetwork Security (BKIS), claims that it has discovered a new worm that ruins Google's CAPTCHA (Completely
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/29
Spammers Becoming Trickier in Their Approaches to Con Internet Users
According to Postini, security subsidiary of Google, spam scammers are routinely employing new and advanced tricks to cheat people. Consequently, security
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/29
New Phishing Scam Selects First Dakota National Bank for Target
U.S. located First Dakota National Bank released a news item in the media on April 22, 2009 alerting customers of a ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/29
Infamous Adware Distributor Zango Finally Closes Down
Zango Inc., the Adware Company in trouble, has been shutdown following Blinkx PLC, the company that helps search video files, acquired ownership over
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/29
India a Big Place Where Compromised Computers are Controlled
Security Company Symantec in its recent Internet Security Threat Report points out that the total number of India-based servers, commanding and controlling
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/28
Trojan Left Users with No Choice, Asks for “Windows or Money”
The researchers of Security firm, Dr. Web, inform that they lately discovered a Trojan that locks users out of their Windows PC until they pay a rescue sum.
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Teenaged Hacker Decreed for 11 Months
A teen computer hacker who controlled several systems in botnet attacks, which are networks of several systems tainted with harmful software code, has to
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/28
Twitter - Once Again Rocked by Cyber Attack
While there were continuous reports filtering in from the security experts that spammers, hackers and distributors of ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/28
PandaLabs detects new ransomware, Trj/SMSlock.A
According to PandaLabs the security provider, the most recent malicious program to work as ransomware is Trj/SMSlock.A.
Says the
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/28
Improved Security Requires Abandoning Adobe Reader: Hypponen
According to Chief Research Officer Mikko Hypponen with F-Secure the anti-virus firm, cyber-criminals
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/28
Cyber-criminals employing professional Captcha-crackers
According to the news from USA TODAY published on April 23, 2009, online crooks are hiring the services of groups of humans who crack Captcha, to clear a
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/27
Symantec names three greatest phishing nations in EMEA in 2008
According to security firm Symantec's EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) Internet Security Threat Report for 2008, released in April 2009, Poland was
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/27
Phishing E-Mail Pledges Tax Refund, But has Other Malicious Motive
Phishing e-mail offering about $250 as a tax refund is currently being
circulated across Canadian inboxes. The document, which at first appears
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/27
Spammers cash on innocent people, select “mortgage”
According to its "State of Spam" report that Symantec issued in April 2009, spam mailers are increasingly taking advantage of the mortgage problem
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Spam mails climb high during first quarter 2009
According to Security Company PandaLabs, a mere 7% of the total e-mail that companies received during Q1 2009 was genuine message. Analyzing approximately
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/27
Finjan uncovers botnet maintaining 1.9m compromised-zombies
Researchers at Finjan the security firm have revealed a botnet that is expanding rapidly around the world while currently consisting of 1.9m computers that
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/27
Apple Users are at Jeopardy as Mac Malware Expands
Security experts claim at the RSA Security Conference held at San Francisco's Moscone Centre (USA) that the days of Apple users not attacked by malware are
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/25
Websense - Spam Mails Lead to Bogus SMS Reader Program
According to Websense Security Labs ThreatSeeker Network on April 16, 2009, it has detected a fresh spam campaign spreading via e-mails that trick
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/25
Symantec Site Vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting Assaults
According to Nemesis/t3am3lite (name of a website), Symantec's site too is now open to XSS (cross-site scripting) attacks together with Iframe
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/25
Malware Compelled Franklin Savings Bank to Shutdown Website
The Franklin Savings Bank (Farmington, USA), which shutdown its marketing site for the 2nd time in a week, put online customers at inconvenience. However,
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/25
Ex-County Councilman Faces Legal Trial for Hacking Administrator’s Computer
On April 20, 2009, Tony Trout, Former Councilman of Greenville County, faced the beginning of trial by the US federal prosecutor after being charged with
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/24
Specially Trained Researchers to Intensify Hunt for Cyber Criminals
Speaking at the RSA Security Conference at San Francisco's Moscone Center (USA), Director of Malicious Threat Research at SecureWorks, Joe Stewart stated
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/24
Users are Indifferent to Third Party Application Updates, Says Secunia
According to a research conducted by vulnerability specialist company Secunia, third party applications are increasingly used by ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/24
Symantec - Netherlands Second Country Generating Most Web-based Attacks
According to the latest EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) Internet Security Threat Report from Symantec, the Netherlands was at the No.2 position as
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/24
Conficker Attacks DPS Computers
The new variant of infamous Conficker computer worm has hit the network at the Texas DPS (Department of Public Safety, US) that chiefly deals with
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/24
AVG - 250,000 Malicious Sites Construct on a Daily Basis
Security provider AVG informs that over 250,000 malicious sites are being produced each day so that malevolent files and algorithms can steal private
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/24
Fresh Waledac Variant Promoting SMS Spying Software
Security researchers have posted an alert that Waledac, a computer virus, is spurring a fresh spam campaign. The e-mails in the campaign pose to offer a
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/24
China Retained the Top Slot of Generating Maximum Attacks in APJ During 2008
According to Symantec's most recent report titled Asia-Pacific and Japan Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR), China was at No.1 position in terms of
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/23
Phishers Attacked Students of College of William and Mary
According to the news published by The Flat Hat in the third week of April 2009, the IT Department of the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg,
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/23
Virus Hits Computer Network of District Election Center in Nagpur
In the Nagpur district collectorate (Maharashtra, India), the computer network at its election center found infected with a virus on April 13, 2009. It is
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/23
Symantec Ranks Gampass No.1 Malware in the APJ Region
Security company Symantec recently published its Annual APJ (Asia-Pacific and Japan) Internet Security Threat Report 2008. According to the report,
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/23
Romanian Hackers Infiltrating the US Pharma Firms Arrested
The Directorate for Fighting Electronic Crime in Romania jointly with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and prosecutors of Directorate for Investigating
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/23
Cyber Criminals Building Botnet Using only Mac PCs
According to researchers at Symantec, an online security company, a malware piece, Trojan
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/23
Malware Detection May Turn Out Ruthless
Erez Metula, software security engineer at 2BSecure, has discovered a new tool that can help a big deal in simplifying the location of malicious software,
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/23
Leading Brazilian Bank in Grip of DNS Cache Poisoning Attack
In a latest cyber attack, the customers of one of the biggest banks of Brazil, Bandesco, are being redirected to fake websites, reports The Register on
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/22
Trojans – Topmost Threat for Q1 2009, reveals PandaLabs
In its threat report released for the first quarter of 2009, PandaLabs has rated trojans as the
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/22
Scam E-mail Using McDonald’s Name to Target Kiwis
Phishing e-mail purporting to be from McDonald was circulating on April 15, 2009 in New Zealand's cyber space, according to the computer security
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Rogue Malware Distributed Through SEO Campaign Targeting Ford Motors
PandaLabs, a security vendor, warns that a new malevolent 'Search Engine Optimization' campaign has been found to attack the Ford Motor Company.
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/22
GetIcon() Flaw in Adobe Software Exploited with PDF File
Security researchers at Symantec, an antivirus provider, have found that a malevolent PDF file is
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/22
Germany Top Country in Harmful Activity, Reports Symantec
Security company Symantec has recently published its EMEA Internet Security Threat Report 2008 for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. According to the
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/22
Symantec Releases Top Ten Malware List for EMEA in 2008
EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) Internet Security Threat Report published by Symantec reveals the ten leading ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/22
Substantial Growth in Organized Cybercrime in 2008
A new research by Verizon Business "2009 Verizon Business Data Breach Investigations Report" direct attacks on the financial institutions coupled
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/21
Teenager Creates Twitter Infecting Virus
A fresh virus has seemingly infected Twitter, the micro-blogging utility on April 11, 2009, as per the reports published by CNET on April 11, 2009.
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/21
Tax Scams Targeting Non-Resident Aliens
The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) is reporting that even though the last date for filing taxes expired on April 15, 2009, people are still being hooked
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New Conficker Variant Enters into Spam Business
According to researchers at security firm Symantec, the creators of virus Conficker, which infiltrated and damaged a huge number of computers, have
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/21
Government Agencies in Dire Want of E-mail Authentication System
According to OTA (Online Trust Alliance), which has just released a study report, a frightening number of government organizations and prominent retailers
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/21
Phishing Scams Surround PayPal Account Holders
Security experts at Better Business Bureau (BBB) claim that phishing scams targeting
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/21
Mounting Malware Threat to the US Federal Government
According to several govt. units incidents of malware attacks on the computer systems of the US
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Malware Nuisance “Spyware Protect 2009” Hits Internet
Trend Micro researchers revealed that they have found another feature of the Conficker worm that gives extra inkling about the purpose of the creators. The
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/20
Malware Observed a Growth of Over 200% during 2008
As per the recent Internet Security Threat Report by Symantec, 2008 witnessed another overwhelming increase of around 200% in malevolent software. The
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/20
Conficker to Enhance the Growth of Spam
Conficker has come up with its new report titled "Q1 2009 Internet Threat Trends Report", according to which the systems tainted with Conficker
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Adobe Applications – Prime Target of Hackers
The Symantec's annual EMEA Internet Security Threat Report claims that Acrobat software and Flash Player application o Adobe were the prime targets for
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/20
Spam Mails Threatening Global Environment, Says McAfee
According to anti-virus company McAfee, which commissioned a research report, spam is not only a
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/20
Fresh Version of Mebroot Appears in the Wild
Security Company Prevx has found that a new version of rootkit 'Mebroot' is widely striking users' computers. This variant, according to the company's
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/20
Microsoft Releases Eight Security Patches for April
On April 14, 2009, Microsoft issued eight security patches addressing 23 flaws in total, a number of which potentially allow hackers to launch attacks on
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/20
Drive-by Downloads - A Serious Threat to Internet Community
Security experts at Kaspersky warn that drive-by downloads are a major threat today as they affect the Web more surreptitiously. Drive-by downloads
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/18
Vermont AHS Computers Struck by an Unknown Virus
Vermont Agency of Human Services (AHS) had to shutdown the computers systems on April 10, 2009, following the outburst of a virus. The computers experts of
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/18
Spam for Levitra, Viagra and Cialis Sliding Down
Microsoft, which has recently conducted a study, reported that the number of unsolicited wanted e-mails offering cheap Viagra, inexpensive herbal drugs for
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/18
Spam Expects to Cause Heavy Losses to Organization This Year
According to San Francisco-based Ferris Research, an IT market research company, spam is a nuisance and also expensive as it results in loss of
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/18
National Australia Bank Issues Warning Against Phishing
National Australia Bank (NAB) has warned its customers of a phishing scam that is
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/18
Devon County Police Alerts Residents of E-mail Scams
Police are alerting residents of Sidmouth (Devon, England) to remain on guard after a number of e-mail scams has circulated in the country.
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/18
Conficker Virus Strikes University of Utah
According to the officials at the University of Utah, the Conficker virus infected numerous computers during the 2nd week of April 2009. The infection
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/17
Several PCs Still Waiting for Conficker Attack
According to the estimation of security firm Sophos, weeks after the outburst of the nasty Conficker worm which resulted into the creation of a massive
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/17
Credit Card Company VISA Straight on Phishers’ Target
Attorney General of Kansas (US), Steve Six, issued a warning on April 9, 2009 about a latest scam involving ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/17
Phishing E-mails Target MSU Students’ Webmail Accounts
Montclair State's Webmail has lately been the subject of scam e-mails. About a few weeks back, a number of students got an e-mail that seemed to have
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/17
Hackers Launching More Phishing Attacks to Exploit Recession
According to a new report from research company Gartner, more Americans are becoming susceptible to online fraud during the current time of economic
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/17
Spam Scam Announcing Fake Conficker Alert
Researchers at TRACElabs of Marshal8e6, an online security company, have detected an e-mail campaign that is spamming fake "Conficker Infection
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/17
Non-professional Web Page Creation Driving Phishing & Viruses
The popular trend of 'do-it-yourself' web page creation by amateur Internet users is assisting to trigger more viruses as well as ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/16
Underground Economy on Threshold of Price War over Personal Details
Symantec releases its Annual ISTR (Internet Security Threat Report) on April 13, 2009 which says that cyber criminals are buying complete personal details
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IRS Warned Oregon’s Internet Users against Phishing Scam
Attorney General Office in Oregon (US) has released a warning for Internet users against an identity theft scam that involves a phony e-mail representing
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/16
Symantec - SMBs Not Doing Enough to Safeguard Information
Symantec Corp., on April 9, 2009, published the results of a survey, "2009 Storage and Security in SMBs," it carried out in February 2009. The
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/16
Reserve Bank of India Falls Victim to Phishing E-mail
According to the news reports from 'The Times of India' published on April 7, 2009, the most recent ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/16
AirUC Affected with Trojan, But Problem Fixed
Several students at University of Calgary (Canada) in the 1st week of April 2009 were unable to access the local area wireless network AirUC at the
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/16
AIB Customers Receive Scam E-mail
Allied Irish Banks (AIB) has issued an alert to its online banking consumers to be wary of a new e-mail scam.
The e-mail, which
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/15
Taiwan’s Legislators Asking for Tough Provisions in Anti-spam Bill
On April 6, 2009, the National Communications Commission (NCC, Taiwan) was
criticized for ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/15
Phishers Become More Active as Tax Filing Period Draws Close
Trend Micro, an online security company, warns that as the deadline for filing taxes (April 15, 2009) approaches in the United States, cyber criminals
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/15
UW’s DoIT combats Conficker, Yet Alerts Students
Security professionals at the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) of the University of Wisconsin (UW) are encouraging students, faculty and other
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/15
Trojan ‘Papras’ Spotted on Match
Cyber criminals are using the popular online dating website to infect visitors with malicious code, warn security experts at Websense Security
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Spam Make the Bulk of Global E-mail Load, Says Microsoft
The sixth edition of the Microsoft's Security Intelligence Report has highlighted that over 97% of total e-mails sent over Internet are ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/15
Conficker Virus Proceeds with New Payload
According to security researchers at Trend Micro, around a week later of much-anticipated doomsday April 1, 2009, when everyone expected Conficker to
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/14
American Airlines’ AAdvantage Participants Receiving Phishing E-mail
On April 9, 2009, American Airlines issued a warning to the customers about an e-mail scam that is exploiting its AAdvantage program. AAdvantage program
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Trend Micro – Cyber Criminals Actively Working to Make More Profits in 2009
While malware creators are very quick to release a code as soon as vulnerability is found, threat
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/14
Spammers Exploiting Italy’s Earthquake to Spread Malicious Code
The recent earthquake in Italy has not just caused tremors in the country, but has also shaken the Internet. A leading ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/14
Spam Level Surged 34% in March 2009
According to security company MXLogic's new report 'Threat Forecast and Report', ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/14
Microsoft – Spammers Adopted New Means to Send Spam in H2 2008
Microsoft in its report, Security Intelligence Report (SIR) edition VI, says that ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/14
Cyber Criminals Hacked Paul McCartney’s Website for Distributing Malware
The official website of former Beatles star Paul McCartney was hacked to spread malware infection
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Unauthorized Software Active on 37% of Corporate PCs
Security firm Bit9, on April 8, 2009, released the outcomes of a poll it conducted over 250 IT managers, highlighting that while 77% of those surveyed have
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/13
New E-crime Force Arrested Nine Suspected of Using Banking Trojan
UK's new PCeU (Police Central E-Crime Unit) detained nine individuals on April 8, 2009, suspecting them to be involved in computer misuse, money laundering
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/13
EMEA Countries Greatest Producers of Zombies, Said Symantec
The EMEA region comprising Europe, the Middle East and Africa continues to be the greatest source of compromised Internet Protocol addresses, hosting 45% of
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/13
Cyber-spies Hack into US Electrical Grid by Installing Malware
According to the US-based international daily the Wall Street Journal, the country's electricity grid has been infected with ...
SPAMfighter News 2009/4/13
Microsoft’s Report – Increase in Scareware and PDF Exploits
Semi-annual Security Intelligence Report of Microsoft, released on April 8, 2009, states that scareware and other malicious techniques which exploit common
...SPAMfighter News 2009/4/13
BitDefender Identifies New Variant of Conficker
Security researchers at BitDeender, an antivirus company, have re-discovered a new variant of