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June 2015
SPAMfighter News 2015/6/30
Victims Robbed $18 Million since 2014 by Cryptowall - FBI
The reported on 24th June, 2015 stating that according to new data released by Internet Crime Complaints Commission of FBI, authors of
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/30
Adobe Releases Out–Of-Band Patch for a Fault in Flash Player reported on 23rd June, 2015 stating that Adobe systems recently released an emergency fix to address security flaws in its Flash Player
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/30
Scam E-mails Asking Recipients to Make Court Appearance Circulating
According to a warning on the website of Washington Courts System, a dangerous scam e-mail is currently targeting Internauts telling that they require
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/30
Poland’s LOT Airlines Targeted by Massive Cyber Attacks reported on 22nd June, 2015 stating that the Polish state-run LOT Airlines was compelled to cancel at least 20 departures scheduled from
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/29
Irish Enterprises Experience Upsurge in Online Scams; ISME
According to the ISME (Irish Small and Medium Enterprises) Association, Ireland is witnessing an ongoing increase in scams on the Internet aimed at
SPAMfighter News 2015/6/29
E-mail Scammers Masquerading as British Military Doctor Attack People
A scam e-mail reportedly reached a resident of Cheshire, North West England-based Halton supposedly from an army doctor of Britain dedicated to
SPAMfighter News 2015/6/26
Recently Fixed Flash Player Flaw Targeted by Magnitude EK
Security firm Trend Micro recently revealed that cybercriminals have added an exploit for a recently-fixed Adobe Flash Player flaw to the infamous Magnitude
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JESCO Computer Network Infected with Virus
According to Japan's Environment Ministry, JESCO (Japan Environmental Storage & Safety Corp.) that runs under the Japanese government has had its
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/25
Russian Authorities Cracked large Cyber Gang Last Month reported during first week of June 2015 stating that the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation and the country's Federal
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/25
Government of US Runs Afoul of Computer Security reported on 18th June, 2015 stating that government of US might have run afoul of computer security once more in response to massive
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/24
Scam E-mails Pretending to be from Royal Mail Circulating, says NFIB
NFIB (National Fraud Intelligence Bureau) has advised the general public for being vigilant about scam e-mails asserting they are messages from Royal Mail
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/24
Hackers Steal $1.5m from US Publishing House via E-mail Scam
Cyber attackers reportedly from China hacked into Bonnier Publications one prominent publishing house in USA to defraud it off $1.5m during May 2015,
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/24
Employees of House of Commons Targeted by Phishing Scam reported on 12th June, 2015 stating that hackers are targeting employees of the House of Commons, the Lower House of Canadian Parliament, to
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/23
Enormous Malvertising Campaign Strikes Users in Europe and the US reported on 11th June, 2015 stating that researchers of security firm Websense have identified an enormous malvertising campaign hitting
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/23
Duqu 2.0 Attacks with Stolen Digital Certificate of Foxconn reported on 15th June, 2015 stating that the nation-state malware Duqu 2.0 used a digital certificate which was stolen from Foxconn, one of the
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/23
Cyber-Espionage Operation Attacking Governments in Southeast Asia Uncovered
Researchers from Palo Alto Networks recently spotted one cyber-espionage campaign which was attacking military and government agencies within Southeast
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/22
MERS-Themed Malware Laced E-mails and Texts Circulating in Korea - Symantec
Internet scammers are attempting at cashing in on Koreans who're gripped with fear about MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) via distributing fake
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/22
DDoS Attacks Progressively Mimicking APT-Fashioned Assaults - Imperva
According to the Global DDoS Trends Report by Imperva, there's a new development of DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) assaults very much resembling APTs
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/22
‘Ask Toolbar’ Carries Malicious Software, Says Microsoft
Microsoft recently branded "Ask Toolbar" as undesirable computer program, indeed during certain instances as malware. That implies Microsoft will
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/19
Symantec - Poweliks Trojan is now linked to Ransomware Infections
Symantec, a security firm, recently published a white paper saying that Poweliks, which is a malware known to be hidden inside the registry of infected
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/19
Phishing Scams Exploiting Name and Fame of Coca-Cola are Rising reported on 11th June, 2015 quoting a warning of Peninsula Beverage Company (PenBev - local bottler and distributor of The Coca-Cola Company's
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/18
Vawtrak Trojan Now Increasingly Obscure by Employing Tor2Web, Finds Fortinet
Creators of Vawtrak the banking Trojan, whose other names are Snifula and Neverquest, are using the Tor2Web to make their servers obscure and so more
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/18
Indian Facebook Accountholders get Attacked with Porn Inserting Malware
A malware attack has hit users of Facebook inside India that injects porn content into their timelines followed with contaminating friends communicating on
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/18
Increase in Botnet Traffic Observed within United Kingdom; Level 3 Communications
Level 3 Communications a network providing firm recently published fresh research on networks of bot-infected computers along with the dangers these botnets
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/17
Palo Alto Discloses Details of New Keylogger ‘KeyBase’
Well-known security company Palo Alto Networks just disclosed one fresh group of keylogger malicious program under watch by the company since a few months.
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Malicious Assaults Targeting Adobe Flash Increased during Q1-2015, Reports McAfee
McAfee Labs has said that malware-laden Adobe Flash assaults have been rising during January-March 2015 at the rate of 317%.
SPAMfighter News 2015/6/17
IBM - New Variant of Tinba Trojan Targets European Users reported on 9th June, 2015 stating that researchers of IBM Security Trusteer have recently discovered an infection campaign using a
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/16
Trend Micro Discovers New MalumPoS POS Malware published news on 8th June, 2015 quoting security firm Trend Micro as saying "Cybercriminals created a new malware for point-of-sale
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/16
Ransomware Attackers Presently Negotiating for Making Deal with Victims
According to a security investigator working with Check Point the security company, ransomware attackers are presently allowing victims to interact with
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/16
AeroGrow Reveals Data Hack
AeroGrow International Inc., a Colorado situated company that makes indoor gardens free of soil has said that some individuals while buying things on
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/15
Golroted Trojan Repeatedly Attacking SMBs, Finds Quick Heal
According to Quick Heal Technologies, the infamous data stealing Trojan malware 'Golroted' has been found attacking SMBs (small-and-medium sized
SPAMfighter News 2015/6/15
Author of Ransomware Tox Quits reported on 4th June, 2015 stating that after the author of crypto-ransomware Locker recently apologized publicly and released
SPAMfighter News 2015/6/12
User Infection Emerges Chiefly from Malvertising, Finds Malwarebytes
According to Malwarebytes the security company, malware-carrying ads or malvertising is a chief infection medium that is being utilized to affect end-users
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More than 20m Malware Strains Spotted During Q1-2015; PandaLabs
According to one new study by PandaLabs the security company, over 20m strains of malware have been identified during January-March 2015.
Most of
SPAMfighter News 2015/6/11
Rise of Dyre Banking Malware in Q1-2015 - Trend Micro
Trend Micro in its recently released study says that the nasty Dyre banking Trojan is increasing again after related infections surged during Q1-2015.
SPAMfighter News 2015/6/11
Lethal PC-Virus Strikes Swedish Internet-Users
In a recent report by SVT the broadcaster from Sweden, a request has been made to MSB (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap) the Civil Contingencies
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/10
US Failed to Attack Weapons of North Korea with a Stuxnet-type Virus reported on 29th May, 2015 stating that United States tried to install a version of Stuxnet computer virus to attack nuclear weapons program of
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/10
Phishing Scam Targets Facebook with ‘Attempts to Export Opengraph File’ Message
According to a fresh supposed to be a security warning purporting to be from Facebook, you have tried many times to export your open graph file using an
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/10
Locker Ransomware Author Regrets Action, Releases Decryption Keys
In what has never happened before, Locker ransomware's creator also called "Poka BrightMinds" has published the data containing the decryption
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/9
Well-Known Hola Website Being Used as Center of Botnet for Hire
Hola is one of the most renowned online services for seeing banned videos and television shows from other nations and it has turned its patrons into a
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/9
Sally Beauty Announces Fresh Updates about Security Breach reported on 29th May, 2015 stating that professional retailer of beauty supplies Sally Beauty (Texas, US) has provided an update about its
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/9
Campaign of Cyber-Espionage Nicknamed ‘Grabit’ Targets SMBs - Kaspersky
Security firm Kaspersky has discovered a new business-oriented campaign of cyber-spying known as 'Grabit' which could steal around 10,000 files from small
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/8
Outdated Flash Player Editions Attacked in Latest Cyber-Crime
According to FireEye the security company, cyber-crooks by using attack tools aimed at Adobe Flash Player's obsolete editions have created one exploit to
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/8
KnowBe4 Intercepts Locker Ransomware
According to KnowBe4 a security company, IT managers should be wary of one fresh ransomware program known as Locker which remains silent on contaminated PCs
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Irish Taxpayers may become Victims of Tax-Related Scam E-mails, Warns Revenue Commissioners
Ireland's authorized tax-collecting agency Revenue Commissioners is warning citizens about fake e-mails posing as messages from it while presently
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/5
Cyber-Crooks Continue to Misguide Users with Forbidden Chrome Extensions
In spite of Google declaring about its prohibition of those extensions of Chrome which aren't listed in its Web-store, online miscreants keep on luring
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/5
Carbanak Trojan Targets Russian Security Service - Trend Micro
The published news on 25th May, 2015 quoting Maxim Goncharov, Security Researcher of Trend Micro, as saying "Carbanak is one of the
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/4
Surge in POS Malware Leading to Enormous Security Breaches - ABI reported on 22nd May, 2015 stating that market research firm ABI Research reveals that there has been a huge increase in
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/4
Brenham Police Warns Locals about Threatening Scam Emails reported on 25th May, 2015 stating that Brenham Police (Texas, United States) are warning the public about an email scam which threatens jail
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/3
Spam and Malware Distributed Through Bogus ‘Bitly’ Web-Links
Malwarebytes the security company has warned that cyber-criminals are employing more and more of the copycat Bitly web-links for spreading spam and malware.
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/3
FireEye Intercepts Fresh POS Malware ‘NitlovePoS’
Investigators from FireEye the security company recently spotted one fresh POS (point-of-sale) malicious program named 'NitlovePoS' that's presently hitting
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/2
Malvertising Assaults Result in Attack Toolkit Magnitude and Ransomware, says Zscaler
According to Zscaler the security company, cyber-crooks are inserting harmful diversion code inside online ads so they can channel user traffic onto
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/2
Innumerable Users of Adult FriendFinder Become Victims of Hack
Hackers, of late, accessed the casual dating website Adult Friend Finder and compromised almost 4m accounts of users who browsed the site for experiencing
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/1
Cybercriminals Use SVG Files to Spread Ransomware - AppRiver reported on 22nd May, 2015 stating that security researchers of security firm AppRiver have observed attackers spreading phishing emails with
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/1
Criminal Attacks Leading Cause of Data Breach in Healthcare Industry - Ponemon
Ponemon Institute conducted a new study which was sponsored by ID Experts reveals that criminal attacks are the leading cause of data breaches leaving
...SPAMfighter News 2015/6/1
Brazil Becomes a Hotbed for Banking Trojans - says ESET
Brazil is amongst the most thickly populated countries of the world and it also consists the maximum percentage of net users doing online banking. Over half